The Witch's Quickening [2]

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After the summons, Arwen was forced to leave Morgana's chambers so she could answer it, knowing Morgana couldn't simply go with her as the lady had to change first to hide the traces of her late-night trip. So, when Arwen reached the chambers, she found the majority of the council and even some knights gathered around as they waited for the royals to all arrive and take their seats.

While they still had time, Arwen's eyes searched through all the faces until she finally spotted her brother. With quick steps, she walked over to join his side, leaning close as she quietly whispered. "I managed to get nothing out of her." She revealed, hoping he'd had some more luck with the dragon, at least.

"I followed her, last night. She took the crystal to the people Mordred's with." Merlin announced quietly, the information making Arwen's eyes snap over to him. It was clear she wanted him to say more, to share more of what he'd learned. "It can show you the future. They intend to use it to start a war."

"What?" Arwen whispered in shock, the curious look on her face now quickly replaced with one of disbelief and worry. And, as if summoned by the conversation centred around her, it was right then that Morgana walked into the chambers along with the King and Arthur, making Arwen's eyes turn to look at her. "She wouldn't have given it to them if she-"

"She knows." Merlin knew his sister would believe Morgana had been manipulated and lied to, perhaps threatened to cooperate. He knew how much Arwen cared for her friend. But he also knew the truth, and this time, it wasn't one he could hide, no matter how much he wished to spare her from it.

The information rendered Arwen entirely silent this time as she tried to process what he'd just said. And she'd done so just in time because, not long after, Uther, finally in his seat, began to speak. "Gaius, I understand you've summoned this meeting because you claim to know the whereabouts of the Crystal?"

"I believe so, Sire." Gaius nodded his head, standing in the centre of the room, the people surrounding him, as he spoke to the king.

"I see. How did you come by this information?"

"In my capacity as physician, I have dealings with many people. They hear things, Sire, and they see things." Gaius began to explain, trying to be as vague about it as he could without making it seem a lie. "Last night I was confronted by one such man who told me that the Crystal had been stolen by a band of renegades led by a man called Alvarr."

The information had Arwen looking to Merlin again, the curious look in her eyes clearly asking him whether any of that was true. And in response, he shook his head, silently letting her know it wasn't. The information Gaius was now giving the King had come from him. From his time following Morgana.

"Who exactly was this informant?" Uther questioned with a dubious look on his face, unsure of whether the source could be trusted.

However, for that too, Gaius had an answer ready. "I think it would only be fair to protect their identity, Sire. If news of the betrayal were to reach the renegades, it could indeed endanger their life." And it seemed to do the trick as Uther nodded his head in acceptance.

"Where is this Alvarr hiding?" Arthur, who'd thus far been leaning against the back of his own chair, now stepped forward as he posed a question of his own.

"He was last seen in the Valley of Chambray, Sire." Gaius revealed with ease. And as he spoke, Arwen couldn't keep her eyes form turning to Morgana, observing her reaction and the way in which she nervously swallowed. She knew Merlin's information would be true, but Morgana's reactions only proved it further.

"Summon the guards, Arthur. I want this matter investigated without delay." Uther instructed his son quickly, wanting the matter handled as quickly as possible. And Arthur didn't need to be told twice before he made his way from the chambers to prepare.

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