The Wicked Day [3]

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Considering she'd spent the morning away from the city, when they'd returned to Camelot, Arwen had plenty of her duties to tend to which she'd left waiting long enough. So, when she finally returned to the physicians' chambers later that evening, she was somewhat disappointed to find her brother still pouring over books at the table in search of a spell which he would use to heal the King.

"Any luck?" She questioned, still hoping that maybe she was just interpreting the situation wrong.

"No." Merlin said in a disappointed voice. "I promised Arthur I could heal Uther and I can't even find the right spell." He grumbled out as Arwen joined him at the table, Gaius not far behind her as he spoke up next.

"That's because you're reading the wrong books." He announced, pushing a small book into Merlin's hands, its leather covers worn with time and age. "Gwillem of Cambria was as mad as a coot, but there has never been a better healer." The physician explained whilst Merlin took the book from his hands and read over the words, a smile soon spreading over his face.

"Gaius, thank you!" He exclaimed happily and not long after could be found rushing around the physicians' chambers as he prepared all the ingredients and items he'd need, getting to work on a potion required for the spell with Gaius and Arwen's help.

"You must only four drops." Gaius said not long after, reading over the words in the book once more for good measure while Merlin stood at the table shaking the bottled potion one last time. "Any more could be dangerous."

"Let's hope I can remember the spell." Merlin said, leaning over his shoulder to read over its words one more time.

"You must trust your abilities, Merlin." Gaius instructed.

"Merlin?!" The yelling voice of none other than Arthur himself, footsteps climbing towards the physicians' chamber able to be heard soon after the call, had all three of them sharing a panicked look between themselves, knowing that, should Arthur catch Merlin here and now, he'd force the manservant to accompany him to meet Dragoon. Something that was quite impossible considering they were one and the same.

"You have to get rid of him." Merlin announced as he rushed through the physician's chambers as another call sounded, this one nearly right in front of the door. He hid behind it just in time as the prince pushed it open and walked inside, looking at the two physicians who now appeared to be discussing the contents of a book Gaius was holding up for them to read.

"Have either of you seen my useless toad of a servant?"

"I'm afraid not." Arwen lied, doing her best not to laugh at the description the prince had bestowed upon her brother. That was one she'd certainly be using in the future.

"Well, where on earth is he?" Arthur questioned impatiently.

"Uh... Have you tried the tavern?" Gaius' question had Arwen letting out a string of coughs in an attempt to mask a laugh, only capable of imagining the look which must've appeared on Merlin's face behind the door which he was using as his hiding spot.

"The tavern. Of course." Arthur grumbled out in annoyance, giving out a sigh as he started to walk back to the door, but he didn't leave before throwing back one last comment. "I'm going to make him wish he was never born." He announced.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Arwen asked before he could leave, the prince looking back at her with a grateful look on his face but still shaking his head in denial of the offer.

"No, if something goes wrong, I don't want you in any way implicated." He said, his voice firm enough to show that this time it would be him to win the debate if she were to continue to insist. He didn't want to take the risk of her being connected to the use of sorcery by any means. He was the crown prince; his father couldn't execute him for it. But he was entirely unwilling to take the risk with her.

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