The Fires of Idirsholas [1]

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In her time spent in Camelot, Arwen had grown quite accustomed to impromptu meetings of the council and being summoned at any time in the day should the King deem it necessary. And of course, since Camelot had no shortage of troubles, such things happened often. So, she wasn't too surprised when they'd all been summoned because a man had requested an audience with the King, claiming to have information which Uther needed to be aware of.

"I'm a herder from the northern plains, Sire." The man now standing in the centre of the room spoke and introduced himself. "Three nights back, we were camped beneath the walls of Idirsholas."

"I'm not sure I would've chosen such a place." Uther muttered out, sharing a knowing look with some of the guards surrounding him. Arwen couldn't be sure what prompted the reaction, unaware of the legends which swarmed the area.

"Good pasture is scarce at this time of year, Sire." Joseph explained, feeling as if he needed to make an excuse on the behalf of himself and his companions.

Knowing there were more important matters to discuss, Uther barely waited for the man to finish before speaking up again. "And what is it you have to tell me?" He asked in a bored tone, clearly not taking the man seriously. It made Arwen roll her eyes. Even if the man wasn't here with some great large threat, he still came because he needed help.

"While we were there, we... We saw smoke rising from the citadel." The man said in a hesitant tone, and at the words, something in Uther's eyes seemed to change. Arwen noticed it with ease as he turned to look at Gaius beside her, almost instantly.

"And did you see anything else?" The older physician asked in a testing tone, not willing to jump to conclusions, but also, rather clearly, not too fond of the idea that this man was telling the truth. Or hadn't simply imagined what he thought he'd seen.

"No." Joseph said simply.

"Did you go inside?" Uther asked, small traces of doubt in his voice as if he suspected the man himself of starting the fire from which the smoke had risen.

"No. Nobody has stepped over that threshold for 300 years!" Joseph denied this quicker than he did before, his voice sounding fearful at the mere thought of doing such a thing. "You must know the legend, Sire."

At that, Arwen's brows furrowed in wonder, curious about this legend. Luckily, Gaius knew she wouldn't be the only one. "When the fires of Idirsholas burn, the Knights of Medhir will ride again." The physician shared the simple version of it for all those who didn't know.

It made Arwen lean over, closer to Merlin as she quietly whispered. "What is it with fires burning again around here? Why can't the sign be something more subtle. Like a special magical butterfly?" She asked, making her brother do his best to keep in the laughter which threatened to burst out.

"I don't think those exist." He pointed out in as quiet a tone.

"Then you'll just come up with them." Arwen shrugged her shoulders like it was the easiest thing, making Merlin let out a small cough to hide his chuckle.

"See to it this man is fed and has a bed for the night." Uther instructed, rising from his chair as he waved one of the knights to tend along to Joseph while the rest remained, all waiting for their King to give further instruction. Which he did, turning to his son soon after as he continued. "Take a ride out there."

"Why?" Arthur asked in surprise.

"So, we can put people's minds at rest." Uther gave a simple enough reason, not wanting to create a panic until they were sure there was reason to. But if there wasn't, and people were left to their own devices and suspicions, one might still spread.

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