Goblin's Gold [3]

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Arwen knew she couldn't linger out in the halls for too long. But still, she couldn't bring herself to knock on the door and go through it either. One moment she'd build up the courage and raise her hand, and then because of it her hood would shift, and she'd catch a glimpse of blue which made her instantly back down.

"Okay, you're a princess for crying out loud. You're leading a kingdom. You can face a man, even if it is the man you have feelings for, while having blue hair. At least it matches my dress." Arwen ranted to herself in silent whispers, taking a few deep breaths before she forced herself to knock, knowing once it was done, there was no going back. "Arthur, may I come in?"

For a few long moments, her call was met only with silence, making her glance around in a confused manner. According to Merlin, he should be in his chambers at this time. But with all that was going on, Arwen realized there was a chance he was off somewhere else. And still, she called his name one last time, a little bit louder this time in case he hadn't heard her. And again, she received no response. She turned away, about to walk off when a noise from the other side of the door made her pause.

"Arthur?" She questioned, knowing someone was surely inside and had heard her calling the Prince's name as another sound reached her ears. It almost sounded like some kind of groaning, making her brows furrow as she pushed the door open and made her way inside to check on him, worried something might be wrong.

Her first sign of it was a broken pot lying in the centre of the room while Arthur himself was nowhere to be seen. Adjusting the hood on her head, Arwen continued to move further into the prince's chambers, soon spotting a figure hiding on the other side of the bed as she made her way over.

Arwen was worried she might find him injured or sick. What she wasn't expecting was the sight which had her letting out a shocked gasp, hand reaching up to cover her mouth in surprise as her eyes met his. But it was impossible to keep hold of them as she found herself glancing, and trying not to stare, at his... more prominent features.

"What's happened to you?" She questioned in a stunned voice, eyes glued to the donkey ears adorning his head. She didn't think it could get worse. And then it did. Arthur began to answer her question, only it wasn't words, at least not human words, leaving his mouth. He brayed and he brayed, hands wildly gesturing to his head and ears before he too finally realized she couldn't understand any of what he was saying. Not that she really needed to. "Did Gaius do this to you?"

Once again, Arthur gave out a short string of honks, a donkey-like confirmation that her suspicions were right. And if Arwen were to wager a guess, she assumed this happened because he'd finally tried to listen to what she and Merlin had told him. That's why he couldn't talk now. "He's a goblin." She noted, tone somewhat pointed and earning her another bray of exasperation.

He looked so miserable that she couldn't stop herself from kneeling down on the floor beside him, hand reaching out and scratching behind his ear as one would a horse to comfort it. "You poor thing." She sympathised watching as he seemed to relax, head leaning into her hand before he realized what he was doing and jumped back with an awfully loud exclamation.

The surprise of it had Arwen herself startling, nearly losing her footing as she swayed. But she'd managed to lean back, catching herself with her hand on the floor only to be shocked again as Arthur's own shocked braying sounded. This time he wasn't pointing at his own head but hers making Arwen realize that in all of the sharp movements the hood had managed to slip off her head.

"Yes, well, uh... Gaius." She gave a short explanation, scrambling back up to her feet as she began to retreat as quickly as possible while adjusting her hood and hiding the hair beneath it again. "We'll find a way to fix this, alright? Merlin's working on a plan." She announced, trying to offer some reassurance only to have the prince let out a doubtful honk as he glared at the floor. "I'll... Be back." And before he could let out another, Arwen was running out the door of the prince's chambers, ready to let the ground swallow her whole.

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