Goblin's Gold [2]

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Rushing through the halls of the castle, Arwen had her eyes out and searching for two people in particular, not caring much for who she saw first. She was determined to get to the bottom of what was going on and why Gaius was speaking of some disease that she doubted even existed, and she needed to tell Merlin all about it as she hoped it was just some kind of miscommunication and goblin possession wasn't a real thing.

However, just as she was about to turn down yet another hall, a sudden call of her name had Arwen forced to pause as she turned back. Plastering a smile on her face and acting as if nothing was wrong, she greeted Morgana and Guinevere as they approached her.

"I'm sorry to bother you when I'm sure you're terribly busy, but I was wondering if you had any more of the medicine Gaius had given Gwen. I think it should be distributed in the castle too. So we can avoid it getting out of hand." Morgana suggested, making it nearly impossible for Arwen's eyes not to bulge out of her head.

"He sold some to you too?" She questioned Gwen in surprise.

"I'm sure if you told Uther about the disease, the king would be more than happy to ensure you have enough supplies to make the cure for everyone without having to pay for it yourselves." Morgana added on. That was how they usually handles a quickly spreading illness. Especially one as bad as this one seemed to be based on the rumours which have spread in Gaius' wake.

"I'll see what I can do." Arwen said, now more certain than ever. And she knew she couldn't just explain the situation to them, especially not in front of Morgana. It would be throwing Gaius to the wolves and getting him in trouble when he wasn't actually responsible for his own actions. "I'm sorry, I really do have to go now. I'll, uh, get you the medicine, alright?"

"Of course, take your time. We'll be in my chambers; I suspect it's safest." Morgana said, reaching over to give Arwen's hand a comforting squeeze, thinking her odd behaviour was simply due to stress.

"I'll see you both later." Arwen said with a final nod, turning around and then back to them again. "And, uh, I'll be the one to get the medicine to you. Gaius is... Uh... I discovered we need to add one more ingredient for full effect. So... I'll do that now. Bye!"

Watching her rush off and disappear from sight, Gwen and Morgana shared an odd look amongst themselves, Gwen being the first to speak up. "Sometimes she and Merlin can be frighteningly alike."

It was a comment that Arwen was unable to overhear as she was long gone by that moment, scampering through the halls as she made her way to the physicians' chambers. She'd given up on searching and decided something needed to be done about the latest development in their problem. So, it was quite good when she spotted her brother heading her way from the opposite direction of the hall.

"You seem to be- Careful! Careful!" Merlin grumbled and panicked as she pulled on his arm with so much force he nearly tripped over his own feet and slammed down to the ground as he was forced to follow after her instead of doing whatever he had originally intended to.

"Fun newly discovered information about goblins: they can possess people." Arwen announced to her brother as she dragged him along. She didn't catch, but was more than able to imagine the picture of Merlin's face at the revelation. And if he needed any further proof the sight of Gaius licking a set of gold coins as they rushed into the physicians' chambers without announcing themselves would certainly be enough to convince him.

"You're the goblin!" And her brother was convinced!

"Have you lost your mind?" Gaius questioned as if the accusation was preposterous and Merlin was completely crazy for even entertaining it. But neither of the siblings were about to be fooled.

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