IV ( Real Life + Instagram )

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Diana's POV -

Last night was fucking crazy to say the least.

I just woke up 15 minutes ago. Everyone else is sleeping. I never went home. No one did. I am just making breakfast for them.

We stayed up till 4 AM. We decided that it was not a very good idea to party because Harry, like me, hates alcohol.

So instead, we ordered dinner and had a DC films marathon, which makes me quite a traitor because I'm team marvel but we did a marvel one just 2 days prior. Surprisingly the films were good.

It was just Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall, Gigi, Steven, Stella and myself so it was quite peaceful.

These people are my life. They have been there for me through thick and thin, no matter what. That is one of the main reasons why I cannot date Harry. I'm not stupid. I know he likes me and I guess a part of me likes him too. I mean come on. He's Harry Styles. How can you not ??? But I cannot risk our friendship and I most definitely cannot lose the boys.

Anyways, enough about me. Let's talk about the highlight of my day. I fly to Atlanta today for shooting. I'm hella nervous because that would mean I'm this close to meeting Andrew and Tom won't stop bugging me about it. He thinks that Andrew is going to fall in love with me. Huh !!! As if that's happening. He probably loathes me.

Anyways, why do I care. It doesn't matter what Andrew Asshole Garfield thinks of me. Its 100% professional. You're not 15 anymore Diana. You're now an experienced 23 year old, world renowned actress who is going to work and only work.

After my little mental monologue, I woke everyone up and we had breakfast.

Steven then drove Stella and myself home. She was staying over for the night.

I went home, got ready and left for the airport at around 4 : 30 PM.

I landed in Atlanta at 10 : 30 PM where our driver was waiting for me.

Our businesses are based in here so we have a mansion of our own where I would be staying instead of a hotel. Zendaya, Jacob and Tom will be joining me tomorrow so that's going to be fun I guess.

I was so exhausted that I literally took a shower, called my dad to inform me that I reached, texted Gigi and Stella a quick goodnight, didn't even care about dinner and dozed off to sleep.


"Goooooooooood Moooooooorniiiingggg Biiiiitchhhhhh !!!!" I was woken up by the beautiful voice of the lovely Tom Holland.

"Does my pain please you???:


"Who even let you in ??? Also, where are Jacob and Zendaya ???"

"I have my own keys duh !!! Also, they will join us tonight. They are going directly to set today. Zendaya was tired so she slept in and Jacob volunteered to stay with her because she would be lonely otherwise."

"Ughhh !!! I regret giving them to you."

"Whatever. Now get your beautiful arse up and go get dressed. We have to go to set today. Its kind of a meet and greet day. Every single cast member is going to be there."

"Okay !!! Wait what ??? Everyone ??? Like even -"

"Yes !!! Even your ex boyfriend." Tom mentioned, cutting me off.


"Then he will be your future boyfriend. Either way, it works for me."

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Where stories live. Discover now