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Diana's POV :

I woke up to sunlight hitting my eyes. Since when is my room hood-less ??? Wait a minute !!! Am I in a car ??? Oh My God !!! Did Harrison and I fuck in the car again ??? But it was my birthday yesterday. It's not possible.

"Give that little brain of yours a little rest. You just woke up." A raspy voice spoke up. Suddenly it hit me, I must have fallen asleep in his car last night.

"Why didn't you wake me up ??? You had to sleep here too. It must be so uncomfortable. Are you mad ??? I wouldn't kill you for waking me up you idiot." I started scolding him.

"You looked tired and I could've carried you but I didn't want you to wake up by mistake so yeah I didn't. I'm sorry." He told me with an adorable pouty face which melted me immediately.

"Why are you saying sorry ??? You were just looking out for me. It's alright." I checked my phone to see it was 8 : 30 AM. I looked around and saw all my friends' cars still there. They must have fallen asleep in the house. That's alright though. I get to cook breakfast for someone other than myself which is nice.

"Hey Diana ???"

"Yes ???"

"Good morning." He wished me with an adorable smile which could cure corona.

"Good morning Andrew." I wish him back.

"Let's go in. You don't look very comfortable in that dress anymore."

"Yes. I need to get out of it right now."

I heard him mumble something but didn't quite get it. Without paying any heed, we got out and walked back inside. I spotted Harrison on the living room couch. Jacob in one of the couches of the guest room adjacent to the TV in the living room while Tom and Zendaya were sprawled on the bed.

"What would you like for breakfast ???" I asked him.

"You're cooking ???" He asked me, shocked.

"Yes. Why you doubt my cooking ???" I question him, teasingly.

"N-no ofcourse not. Your my female Gordon Ramsay."

"Better. Anyways, why don't you go freshen up in one of the guest rooms while I go and change in mine. Meet me in the kitchen after you're done and I hope everyone else will be awake by then." I tell him.

"Copy that ma'am."

"Shut up Dork."

He just laughed and went to the guest room.

I went to mine and quickly freshened up. I changed into a pair of black trousers and a white tee shirt, a green jumper to go with it. Too basic ??? I didn't care.

I went down to the kitchen to find Andrew already there. He was doing something on his phone but he kept it down as soon as I entered.


"Hey. So what do you wanna have for breakfast. Order away, I'm your chef for the morning." I ask him in a cheerful voice.

"Anything you want chef." He replied, matching my humor.

"Okay then, Waffles ???"


"Would you like some coffee ???"

"Umm yeah but wi - "

"1 cube of sugar, no milk. I know."

"You remember ???" He asked me, surprised. To be honest I'm quite shocked that I remember.

"Yeah, I do."

I then went back to my work. I quickly made us both coffee and then started working with the pancakes.

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Where stories live. Discover now