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Harry - H ❤
Diana - D ❤

D ❤
Hey Harry.

H ❤
Hiiiiii Dianaaaaa ♡
What's up ???

D ❤
The sky ???

H ❤
Lameeee 🙄

D ❤
Sooo...I wanted to talk to you about something.

H ❤
Go on.

D ❤
Do me ???

H ❤
What ???

D ❤
Do you ???

H ❤
I mean...was it that obvious ???

D ❤
Yes idiot.

H ❤
So ??? What do you think ???

D ❤
Look...I think I like you too but that's the point. I can't pursue you on the basis of just a thought. I am not even sure of my own emotions. I can't put you through this. Are you getting what I'm trying to say ???

H ❤
Yes I'm, love. I understand completely. You're right. Also I can't really risk my friendship with you. I'd rather have you as a friend than not have you at all.

D ❤
I'm glad we understand each other :)

H ❤
That's what friends are for :)

D ❤
Hey Harry ???

H ❤
Yes ???

D ❤
I'm sorry !!!

H ❤
Why are you saying sorry sweetheart ??? Its not your fault. Sometimes people don't feel the same way for you. You gotta accept that and move on.

D ❤
Yeah. Yeah Ik. It would just be so easy if I could be with you right ??? Why can't I just bloody be in love with you ???

H ❤
Because you just aren't. I don't think I've ever seen you be in love. Not even with Daniel. That was attraction, not love.

D ❤
I don't think I'll ever be either.

H ❤
Oh you will. You so will fall in love Diana and I wish you do. You deserve every bit of happiness even if it isn't with me. And when you do fall in love, I'll be there to cheer you on.

D ❤
How are you so amazing Harry ???

H ❤
Talent 😂
How did the meeting the ex boyfriend go btw ???

D ❤

H ❤
Mhmmmmm....keep telling yourself that sweets 😏

D ❤
Aren't you supposed to be jealous ???

H ❤
I'm supposed to do a lot of things rn, like working...but do u see me doing it ??? NOOO !!!

D ❤
Wow !!! You're so wierd.

H ❤
A wierdo you kinda think you like :)

D ❤
You're never gonna let me live that one down are you ???

H ❤
Are you stupid ??? My crush possibly thinks she likes me...that is enough for me to live my entire life Di.

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Where stories live. Discover now