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Last night ended. It was officially morning. Oh how I was dreading it. Yesterday's shooting went well because I didn't see much of Andrew but I don't know about today. God was just being kind yesterday but sure as hell, not anymore.

I quickly got ready and got dressed in a white sundress. Its comfortable and easy to remove. For changing into my costume you nasty people.

I was just about to leave when Stella called me.

"Hey. What's up ???" I ask her.

"I JUST GOT ENGAGED !!!!" She was practically screaming.

"WHAT ???? TO WHOM ????"

"Nick Jonas. Ofcourse your brother idiot."

"Wait, so he proposed and didn't even tell me ???"

"It was unplanned."



"Details please ???"

"We were just walking out of a restaurant when we saw a couple getting married. I was busy admiring them from afar and when I turn back, Steve was on his knees. He told me how seeing those two people made him realize how much he wanted this for me. I literally cried. He got me an impromptu, fake ring for thr time being."

"Awwwww...I need love too."

"You have too many. Just choose one and you're good to go."

"Fuck off."


"But Stella Carrington has a nice ring to it." I said.

"It does, doesn't it ???"

"So When's the wedding ???"

"I don't know. We didn't talk about it. But knowing Steve, sometime soon."

"I'm so excited."

"Me too !!! Bro, mum is calling. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah ofcourse." I said, as she hung up.

Wow. This just happened. My best friend was officially going to be my family. I couldn't wait.

When Stella told me about the proposal, I couldn't help envying her just a little bit. The love Steven had for Stella and vice versa was beyond anything I've ever seen. They've been each other's first everything and are going to be each other's last too. They've loved each other ever since they've known what love means. It hurts knowing that I would never have that.

With these thoughts surfacing my mind, I didn't realize that I had already reached the set.

I entered to see Tom in his suit already. Zendaya was still getting ready. Jacob was on his phone. Tobey and Benedict were having a conversation and Andrew, well, I don't know what he was doing. He was on his phone so talking to someone I guess. Girlfriend ??? Why do I care ??? It coule be his wife and I won't even give a damn.

I quietly go inside and change into my costume. My makeup was being done when -

"Hey." Andrew ???

"Hi". I replied.

"What's up ???"

"Nothing. Just getting ready."

"Nice." Wow. And the award for the most awkward conversation ever goes to...any guesses ??? Yeah !!! Andrew and Diana.

"What about you ??? You won't get ready ???"

"My scene is in the afternoon and it's not like I need a lot of makeup right ??? Given the fact that I'm going to be in a mask. So yeah, they told me that I could get ready later."

"Oh okay."


"Okay. What is it ???" I knew this boy like the back of my hand. I knew he wanted to talk about something else and was trying to start by talking all these nonsense.

"What ???" He asked, bewildered.

"I know you want to tell me something. I know YOU Andrew. So what is it ???"

"I ummm...I...can we talk somewhere else ???" What does he want to say ??? This was giving me a major deja vu from that day at the premiere.

"Umm sure. Give me 2 minutes." My makeup artist finished the last touches and I was ready to go.

We walked to a little more secluded area when he spoke -

"Look, I know that you're angry with me and I don't even blame you. I would be too if someone said those things to me."

"Mhhmmm ???" I muttered, quite confused to say the least.

"I was young and stupid. You know how teenagers are right ??? Now add hormones, the need to be cool and an insane amount of stupidity to it. That's what happened and believe me, I still regret my words to this date. I shouldn't have said those things to you and I was going to text you last night but my mom told me that I needed to do this face to face. I'm so sorry Diana and I know that you probably won't ever forgive me but just know that I am really sorry."

"Uhhh...don't worry about it. Its okay." I muttered, giving him a small smile.

"Please think abou - Wait what ??? Did you just say its alright ???"

"Yeah, I mean I don't want to hold any grudges. You were just a teenager who thought what he did was right. It's alright. Shit happens. We need to move on from it." I was just about to walk away when he held my wrist and pulled me back.

"That means a lot Diana. It really does. So friends again ???" He asked, putting a hand forward for a handshake.

"I guess so. Yeah." I said, joining our hands and shaking them.



"I'll see you around ???" He asks.

"Yeah sure. Uhh...my hand ???" He hadn't let go yet.

"Oh...uh...I'm so sorry." He told me, letting my hand go.

"I better leave. I have a scene to shoot."

"Yeah me too. Not that I have a scene to shoot but just the fact that I need to go." There it was, the ANDREW GARFIELD rambling all over again. I couldn't contain myself and I did the unthinkable.

I laughed.

"Why are you laughing ???" He asked.

"Your rambling habit still exists ???" I asked walking away with him following me.

"What ??? I don't ramble." He said, taking offense to my statement.

"Oh yes you do sir. You so do." I told him.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes yes yes yes yes you do."

"Okay fine. Whatever you say milady."

And we both broke into fits of laughter. I hadn't realized that we'd already come back to the shooting area and I could see Zendaya and Tom giving me "THE LOOKS".

Suddenly, I was called for a scene. I turned back at Andrew and said -
" I'll see you later yeah ???"

"Yeah." With one last glance I went into work mode.

It felt nice though. To share a laugh with a boy who used to be my friend once. Above everything, we were friends and talking to him today made me realize that this was what I missed most. Our friendship. Not what happened after. The heartbreak part would always be there but we'd grown up, he was genuinely sorry. I could tell that from his voice. I think it is time we let bygones be bygones. I remember something Harry told me the other day - "I'd rather have you as a friend than not have you at all." And I couldn't agree more. I'd rather have Andrew back as a friend than not have him at all over some stupid childhood crush. Stupid ??? My conscience asked me. Ofcourse. Very stupid.

Tom looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Don't even think about it."


Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Where stories live. Discover now