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Diana's POV :

"Sooooo...???" Tom asked as soon as I closed the door.

"Oh My God Tom. Give me a minute to breathe."

"No...no breathing necessary. You tell us everything right now young lady." Zendaya joined into the conversation.

"Nothing happened okay ???"

"You think we believe that ???"

"Now tell us where you dissappeared last night and don't you dare lie because we know exactly where you were." Tom warned me.

"If you know then why are you asking ???" I sassed them.

"Because we want to hear it from your mouth dumbass."

"Okay fine !!! Andrew and I sneaked out last night and jammed to music. We ended up falling asleep in his car. That's all." I tell them, sneakily leaving out the "dancing under the moonlight" part.

"What about the *dancing under the moonlight* ???" Wait, how do they know about that ???

" Uhhh...what are you talking about ???"

"Just in case you forgot, the lawn is quite visible from the living room windows."

"So you were stalking us ???" I asked them, shocked.

"So you agree that you both did dance under the moonlight ???" Zendaya retreated.

"Okay fine. We did dance, so what ??? Can't two friends dance together ???"

"Yes they can but you and Andrew are NOT FRIENDS !!!"

"Says who ???"


"Well THOMAS THE GREAT is stupid."

"STOP THIS BLASPHEMY RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY !!!" Tom screeched. God, I feel for Zendaya.

"Look, we were just two friends having fun. Nothing else. Stop over analyzing everything."

"We're not over analyzing Di. We can see the way he looks at you. He's a goner for you."

"No he -"

"Don't you dare say no Diana because I swear to God that I am going to slap you now."

"You've got a second chance here, not everybody does, take it before someone else does."

"I get it okay, but you have to understand my point as well. I spoke to Harrison about it as well last night. I need time. 8 years worth of pain is not going to just go away in one week. Even if he likes me, I don't think we should be together just now. These things take time. Think this from your point of view guys - didn't it take you guys 5 years to get together ???"

"Yeah but -"

"No buts, I know you guys want the best for me and I love you for that but believe me when I say that I'll do everything in due time, which is not now. It's been eight years since I last saw that guy. I need to get to know this new Andrew and he needs to know this new Diana before anything else happens okay !!! That's all."

"Okay fine, we get it, maybe we got a little too obsessed with your love life." Zendaya told me.

"Or lack thereof." Tom had to add in, but nonetheless that made us laugh.

"Okay, let's go get ready now, we have to go to set."

"Roger that ma'am."

After about half an hour, the three of us were ready to go to set. I'd worn a pair of white shorts with a dark blue shirt today.

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Where stories live. Discover now