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Steven and Stella's wedding (9 months later ) :

Today is supposed to be one of the most important days of my life. MY FREAKING BROTHER AND BEST FRIEND ARE GETTING MARRIED !!!!

I am currently in Stella's room, trying to calm her down but failing miserably -

"Dude, what if he leaves me for someone else ?"

"Bitch, why would he ? He's obsessed with you."

"I don't know. What if he gets bored of me ?"

"Then you slap the shit outta him duh."

"So HE IS going to get bored ?"

"No you dumbass. He loves you okay ? He's not going anywhere."

"Sure ?"


With that, she seemed to calm down a bit.


Andrew and I were currently sitting, waiting for Stella to walk down the aisle. Since her own father had passed away while she was a kid, my dad was going to walk her down and honestly it was such a sweet gesture.

I could see Steven tearing up a bit when he saw Stella walk down the aisle. Awwww.

After the wedding vows were taken, Andrew took my hand for a dance. From the corner of my eyes I could see Kiara flirting with Colin, my dad's secretary and dad was glaring at his back. Mum was trying to avoid old men flirting with her and dad was glaring at those men too. Poor dad Lol.

Zendaya and Tom were eating, nothing new.

Aaron and Sophie were making out on the dance floor. Oh yes, they started dating ladt month.

Ben was flirting with the bridesmaids. Nothing new.

Gigi and Zayn were with their newly born daughter, Khai, who was possibly the cutest kid I'd ever seen.

"Can you stop investigating everything and look at me for once ?" Andrew said, pulling me out of my daydream.

"I'm sorry." I said, rather embarrassed.

"Don't be. Just pay attention to me, that's enough." He reassured me and kissed my lips softly.

"So demanding."

"Mhm. You do know that you're looking way too sexy right now for ne to keep it in my pants right ?"

"Shut up." I said, a soft blush making it's way to my cheeks.

"You're cute when you blush." He said, kissing my cheeks.

"You need to shut up right now."

"Why ? I'm enjoying making you riled up."

"Fuck off !!!"

"Oh darling, you're confusing off with ME. Don't worry, I'll fulfill your needs very nicely tonight."


"Not what you were saying last night."

"Ughhhh !!!" He started laughing at my expense. Asshole.

"Diana ???"

"What ???"

"You're looking really beautiful tonight." He said genuinely.

"Awww, thanks Andrew. You're looking really handsome as well."

"Oh I know that I am. All the stares of the girls are kind of proving your point."

"Well, yeah..."

"Oh My God, you're so jealous." He screeched, laughing.

"Oh I'm not."

"Oh yes, you so fucking care."

"I do not."

"Sure sure." He teased me, as we continued to dance when suddenly a hand came and rested on my shoulder. I turned around to find a guy smiling at me.

"BENNETT ???" I screamed in ecstasy of seeing my old friend after years.

"Hey Diana." He said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Where have you been ?"

"Just work, travel, the usual. What about you ?"

"Same old, same old."

"When did you get here Benny ?"

"Just a few minutes ago. Steve told me you were here so I came here."

"It's so good to see you. Oh meet Andrew by the way."

"Hi." Andrew said, looking a bit suspicious of the smiling guy in front of him.

"Ofcourse, who doesn't know THE ANDREW GARFIELD. Hi." He said shaking his hands with Andrew.

"Andrew, this is Bennett, Steve's best friend. We went to college together in Berlin. He was my english partner and we became very good friends until we had to go on our different paths."

"Oh. It's nice to meet you Bennett."

"Me too." Bennett said as Steven called for him. "Hey, I better go tend the groom you know."

"Yeah sure." He took a leave by leaving a kiss on my cheek.

"Why the fuck is that guy so touchy with you ?" Andrew whispered to me.

"Because he's one of my closest friends idiot."

"Still, he just kissed you."

"On my cheek."


"Are you jealous, Garfield ?"

"Ofcourse. A guy just clearly kissed my girlfriend, so I think I've got every right to be jealous."

"Awww, you're so cute when you're jealous."

"Fuck off Diana."

"Language baby, language."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Sometimes it seems like I'm the older one in the relationship." He just laughed.

"I can't believe Steve's married."

"Me neither."

"Hey Andrew ?"

"Yeah love ?"

"Do you think we'll make it to forever like these two ?"

"I don't think so, I know so. Diana. Life just gave us a second chance after I fucked up real bad and I'm most definitely not letting you go this time." He said, pulling me closer.

"I am not letting you go anywhere either." I said, smiling up to him. I was home.

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Where stories live. Discover now