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Diana's POV :


Today I am supposed to go to this fair with Andrew, he asked me ast night about it and I think it's a date.

I asked Zendaya about it and her exact words were - "BITCH IT'S A DATE, ARE YOU BLIND OR WHAT !!!"
Very loud that one, I'm telling you.

I couldn't sleep last night trying to figure things out and now I probably look like a coala bear. God, Andrew is so going to cancel this date or whatever it is when he sees me like this. PATHETIC !!!

I quickly freshened up and got ready. I decided to wear a pair of black jeans and a oversized jumper which probably wasn't even mine ??? Who's was it ??? Anyways, not like I cared LOL.

I was going to drive to work by myself today because Tom and Zendaya didn't have any scenes so they decided to sleep in, even though I doubt if any sleeping would be done at all *wink wonk*. Okay Diana, not everybody is as sex - obsessed and horny all the time as you are. But they are though.

Today we were going to shoot a scene between Andrew's Peter and Silvija where they have a heart to heart about the people they've lost and about the sacrifices they had to make to be here. It's a very cute scene in my opinion.

Let's hope this goes well.


I reached the set about 10 minutes ago and Andrew is not here yet. I told him not to stay up so late, look what happened. God, I sound like his wife. Ewww !!! Gross !!!

I was currently sitting with Tobey and we were chatting. This feels so surreal. I'm here talking to my childhood love about which donuts place is better.

"Cloves is obviously better Diana, stop fighting with me."

"I'm not fighting with you, I'm just saying that Joe's is a masterpiece and you're too old to understand that."

"Did you just call me old ???" He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. Drama queen.

"God, you're exactly like my father. Always so dramatic."

"I need to meet that man though, heard he is amazing."

"Yeah, he really is." I tell him, a smile spreading on my lips as I spoke of the most important man in my life.

"So, Diana ???" Tobey suddenly asked.

"Yep ???"

"You and Andrew huh ???"

"Me and Andrew what ???"

"What is this Will they wont they thing going on between you both ???"

"I honestly don't know myself Tobey." I tell him honestly, there's no point in hiding the fact that I like Andrew anymore. I've come to accept it.

"What do you mean ???"

"I mean that this whole US is wierd. I mean I had a crush on him when I was younger and he rejected me, quite brutally if you ask me. Now he's back and I feel like my feelings are too. I can't get hurt again."

"Wait what ??? You liked him before ???"

"Yeah I did."

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu