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Diana's POV :

Its my birthday. Yaay. Okay fine...I'm not excited at all. I miss dad's cooking. I miss mum's hugs. I miss Steven's stupidity. I miss Kiara's scoldings. I miss home. Great. Now I sound like an 80 year old lady left at an old age home by her children.

I just want to spend the day wallowing in self pity and eat icecream while watching Friends reruns but knowing my friends, I am damn sure they have something planned. My lovable idiots.

Tom has been acting weird since last night. I can feel it in my bones. He can't keep a secret for shit.

Anyways, my day started out great. I was woken up by a video call from dad. He was at the office. All the employees loved me so they all wished me one by one.

Then mum called me and Steven and Kiara joined her. Mum started crying but then Steven called her ugly and her inner LADY THANOS came out.

Kiara told me she has mailed my birthday presents and that Steven being Steven forgot again so she sent one on his behalf too.

Gigi and Stella called me and we virtually baked together but ended up making a mess of our kitchens.

Harry video called me next. It was sweet until Louis slipped in the shower and Harry went in to help him but he was naked and the camera was on. Rest be assured, I'm not video calling the boys in the near future. I'm traumatized for life.

Last night Andrew texted me. It was sweet. We were just bantering in the groupchat when he suddenly texted me privately and wished me happy birthday.

I remember on my sweet 16th he had put up a tantrum for not being able to wish me first at 12 : 00 AM because Aaron had beat him to it. How excited he was for my birthday. We had gone to a club that day. I don't know how the bouncer let us in. I didn't even have an ID back then. Maybe it was my surname, I don't know but it was fun. Andrew and I had snuck out after some time and had a carpool karaoke night till the wee hours of morning. Good old days.

There I go, thinking about him again. What is wrong with me ??? Stop it Diana.

My thought chain was broken by the doorbell.

I went down and opened it, only to find all my friends standing there with balloons and a cake. There were Tom, Zendaya, Jacob, Harrison and I was shocked to find Andrew there too. He looked way too uncomfortable and awkward standing there with his hands inside the pockets of the black hoodie he was wearing making him look insanely hot might I add. Stop it Diana.

I wanted to laugh at his discomfort. Evil ol' me. You get used to it after a while.

I welcomed them in and was instantly picked up by Harrison. This bitch. It was just a friendly gesture but I could feel someone's questioning gaze on my back. Any guesses who ??? Yes Patrick.

Anyways, ignoring the evil man's gaze I told Haz to put me down. I had started to feel dizzy. Am I pregnant ??? Oh shut it Diana, you've been on birth control for 2 years. This is all Andrew's fault. He's the reason my mind is all over the place these days. This is good. When in doubt, blame Andrew.

I was then pushed to my bedroom by an over excited Zendaya.

"HE. WAS. SO. JEALOUS." She almost screamed.

"Shhhhhh and who ???" I asked.

"Andrew idiot."

"Why would Andrew be jealous ???"

"Because Harrison picked you up ???" She went inside my closet, trying to pick a dress for me.

"But he does that all the time."

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Where stories live. Discover now