VI ( Real Life )

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Andrew's POV -

8 years. 8 fucking years had passed since I had last seen her. This girl standing 8n front of me was a completely different human being altogether. I couldn't even recognize this Diana. The girl I knew had an innocent face. She was always laughing and goofing around. This woman in front of me looked ??? Matured ???.

She held herself with grace. She looked like someone who was professional and yet had that fun side to her which probably came out in front of a selected few. She reminded me a lot of her father. He was like this, firm yet the most amazing man ever, and in that moment I realized - DIANA CARRINGTON HAD GROWN UP.

She looked up at me with those piercing blue eyes I had spent hours staring at once upon a time. She had no makeup on, just some lipgloss maybe. She was wearing a loose white tee shirt and blue high waist jeans. It was so simple and yet in that moment she looked "ANGELIC".

Bumping into her today, reminded me of thd first time I had met her. She'd bumped into me that day as well. She was in some deep conversation with Aaron. This is the thing with her, when she speaks to someone, she gives her undivided attention to it. So much that she doesn't even pay attention to anyone around her.

She seemed to be very close to Tom. Wow. That's interesting.

The way she was laughing with him after our little catching up reminded me of how she used to be with me eight years ago. Stop it Andrew, you have no right to feel bad. But I can't stop it.

I can't push this gut wrenching feeling away. Was she dating Tom ??? I know there were rumors of her and Tom after her break-up with Daniel. I was just not sure and I don't know why but a part of me wished that she wasn't dating him. No I don't. Yes you do.

Seeing her today after all these years brought back all the memories of everything that had happened, everything that could have happened, only if I hadn't pushed her away.

I was an idiot back then. I haven't been able to forgive myself for turning her down even today. I guess a part of me will always be in love with Diana Carrington.

I think Emma noticed that too. I tried to love her. I tried so hard, but when she realized that I was just not over Diana, she talked to me. She told me how I needed to fix my mistakes. How I had no right to play with the emotions of two women. I am always going to be thankful for that but little does she know that my Diana is far gone. She ain't coming back to me. She hates me. I would hate me too.

The way I had turned her down that day !!! God !!! It was so pathetic !!! How could I ??? I don't know what had taken over me that day.

I remember coming to know that she likes me when Ben told me that she did. I first didn't pay any heed to it but eventually as I started to notice her more, I realized that it was true.

I was attracted to her too. Maybe just a little but I was. But being with her would mean that I'd have to wait for 4 years before I could date her and my 19 year old self was way too impatient for that shit. I wanted to have a real girlfriend. One I could flaunt and show my friends off to.

Over the years without her, I realized that not every relationship needs to be labeled, not every relationship needs to be public or physical.

I remember me pouring ny heart out to my mum on the night of my breakup with Emma and she had told me that I was the biggest fool on Earth. That when you find someone like Diana, you should keep her forever and never let go. My mum had always been really close to Diana. After our fall-out, I remember mum asking me quite a few times that when she would come home again and I always changed the course of the conversation. After a point she just stopped asking.

Dear Diana | Andrew Garfield | Completed ✔ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora