Chapter 2

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"I can't believe you're moving 5 hours away from me, I don't want you to go." Ash wraps his arms around me tight.

"I don't wanna leave you either but my mom is moving in with her dumb ass boyfriend, I can't stay here alone." I pack up the rest of my things putting them into my suitcase then zips it up.

"I know but it's gonna suck not having you around anymore."

"I'm sorry, maybe you can come to visit me or I could come and visit you?"

"Of course, I'll come to visit you, I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too." I smile "Now help me bring the rest of my things downstairs." I grab my suitcases and my bags then leave the room, he picks up a couple of the bags and carries them downstairs.

"Is that the last of your things?" My mom waits at the front door.


"Okay, well get it to the car." I drag my stuff out of the house followed by Ash, we put my stuff into the trunk and the backseat and my mom waits inside the car for me.

"So this is goodbye." I hold my arms out to Ash, he pulls me into a tight hug "I'm gonna text and call you once I get to the new place."

"Okay, I'll be on the lookout, I love you."

"I love you too." We hug for a long time "Okay, bye!" I get into the car.

"Bye, have fun." He stands there with a frown.

"You know I won't." My mom starts the car then drives off, he waves goodbye one last time.


It's a few hours later, We finally pulled up to the house, the outside looked so perfect, let's just hope the inside looked better.

The moving truck was already there unloading the boxes off of the truck, Ryan was standing outside helping them out.

"Hey, baby." He walks up to the car kissing my mom, I wanted to throw up.

"Hey, everything almost unpacked?"

"Yeah, they're working on unpacking the last boxes now." We both step out of the car.

"That's good, we're just gonna get our luggage inside then we'll come help." My mom pops the trunk, I grab my luggage out and she grabs some of her things.

"Do you like the house so far?" My mom asks with a big smile.

"Eh." We walk into the house.

I take back what I just said.

This house was so beautiful, everything was white and black, the living room was big, the kitchen was bigger, the furniture made the house look even better.

"Wow..." I drop my bags.

"You like what you see?" I turn my head to see a man standing at the bottom of the stairs, he was the most sexiest guy I've ever seen.

He was tall, his skin was caramel-colored, he had these sexy light blue eyes, these perfectly arched eyebrows, some full lips, and short brown hair.

and that body, ugh I must have been dreaming.

"Yeah, I like what I see." He walks up to me with a smile on his face "And you are?"

"I'm sorry, I guess I forgot to mention we were moving in with Ryan and his son." My mom walks over "This is his son Callum."

"It's so nice to meet you." He holds his hand out.

"Hey there, I'm Jasmine." I shake his hand with a smile.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and drop my suitcases off then help bring the rest of the things inside, I'll show you your room." My mom begins walking so I walk off after her, I turn to give him one more look before following her up the stairs.

"Okay, this is your room." She opens the door, the room was so big and beautiful, and I had a lot of closet space so I could really get used to this.

"I love it." I drag my bags into the room.

"I'm glad you like it." My mom smiles "Again, I'm sorry that you didn't wanna move but I really hope you can at least try with Ryan and Callum, for me."

"Obviously I'm still angry because I had to leave my friends and school but I'll try to get used to it."

"Thank you, meet me downstairs when you're settled in." She closes the door behind her.

I check out the room for a while then falls down on the bed and begins texting Ash.

Me: Well, I made it.

Ash: Do you like the new house?

Me: I do, it's so beautiful but I still miss you.

Ash: I miss you too, I can't wait to see you again.

Me: You too, I have a lot to unpack though so I'll speak to you later, I love you.

Ash: I love you too.

I lock my phone then leaves my room, I walk downstairs into the living room then begins looking around for my boxes

"Hey, you need some help over here?" Callum walks over to me.

"Well no but you could help if you want." I grab two boxes "Mine are the ones with marker written on them."

"Okay." He picks up a couple of boxes and I walk back upstairs to my room, we drop the boxes onto the floor.

We leave the room walking back downstairs for more of my boxes until the last of my things are in my room scattered all over the floor.

"Thank you so much for the help, now putting all of this stuff away is gonna be even harder."

"I mean if you want I could help you." He smiles.

"That's fine, I can do this myself." I begin to unpack my first box, he just stands there watching me for a few seconds.

"So, how do you feel about everything?"

"Everything as in my mom moving in with your dad?"


"Well obviously I'm not happy about it but I have to learn to live with it, nothing else I can do about it." I open the dresser putting some clothes inside.

"Why not just move out on your own?"

"I don't even have a job yet, I couldn't do that if I wanted to."

"Well that sucks, Hope things get better for you."

"Thank you." I wanted to try talking to him but I didn't know exactly what to talk about.

"Anyways, I'm gonna leave you to finish unpacking, I'll see you later." He walks off and closes the door behind him and I get back to putting everything away.

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