Chapter 6

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Today was the day of the sleepover, I was a little bit nervous because I've never been to a sleepover before, plus I don't like meeting new people that much.

I slip into my nightgown then puts my pants and shirt over it and puts my crocs on. I put some more deodorant and perfume on, I was already good but just wanted to make sure.

There's a knock on my door "Come in."

My mom walks into the room "Hey sweetie."


"Where you headed to?"

"Some girl invited me over for a sleepover."

"Oh." She looks around my room "Well at least you made a friend, and I was thinking me, you, Ryan, and Callum could go out tomorrow for dinner, just have a nice dinner and get to know each other better."

"I know I'm not gonna like it but I'll go still."

"Okay good, all I want you to do is give them a chance, okay?"


"Great." She turns and leaves my room.

I make sure I have everything before I leave my room, I walk down the hall to Callum's door and knocks.

He opens the door "Hey."

"Hey, I was wondering if you could drop me off at Claire's house."

"Sure." He grabs his sweater off the door and puts it on then grabs his car keys off his dresser then leaves his room.

We walk downstairs, my mom and Ryan were in the kitchen cooking.

"Where you both headed to?" Ryan asks.

"Dropping her off at Claire's place."

"Oh, well have fun."

"I'll try to," I say while opening the door then I walk out.


We arrive at Claire's place, of course, someone like her would have a big and beautiful house.

I step out of the car "This place is so beautiful."

"I know right?" Callum steps out too, he walks up to the door with me and knocks.

Claire opens the door a few seconds later "I didn't think you would actually show up, I'm glad you came."

"Of course." I walk into her house and Callum follows me inside.

"You look good." Callum leans in kissing her on the cheek "Smell good too."

"Thanks." She kisses him again "I would tell you to stay but everyone else is waiting in the living room, it's only girls."

"Alright, well I'll see you later" He kisses her on the cheek "See you at home Jasmine." He leaves.

"Well follow me." She turns and begins walking, I follow behind her and she takes me into the living room where 3 other girls were sitting down chatting and smoking.

"Girls, this is Jasmine." Everyone turns to look at me.

"Oh, you're so pretty." One of the girls stands and holds her hand out "I'm Michelle."

"Nice to meet you." I shake her hand.

"I'm Brooklyn." The other girl waves at me.


The third girl I recognized, it was Skye from the party a couple of days ago.

"It's nice to see you again." Skye stands and pulls me into a hug.

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