Chapter 12

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It's a few hours later, everyone has left and gone home, I help my mom clean up everything.

"Where's Ash?"

"I don't know, I called and texted him plenty of times but he hasn't responded to any of my calls."

As soon as I said that there was a knock on the door, I walk over to it opening it and Ash walks inside.

"Where have you been, I was worried about you."

"I had to go for a walk to clear my mind."

"Everything okay with you both?" My mom asks.

"Yeah." I lie.

"Well, I'm gonna take a shower then head to bed." He walked off upstairs.

"Mom, I'll be back." I walk upstairs and follows Ash to his room.

"What do you want?"

"I wanna talk about things." I walk into his room.

"Well, I just told you I'm about to take a shower."

"Your shower can wait, you're my best friend and I don't wanna lose you so come sit and talk." I sit on his bed and pats next to me.

He sighs and walks over to me and sits down "Talk then."

"Well Ash, you know I love you, A lot. You've been there for me for years, you've always had my back and whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on you were there for me so I'm always gonna love you for that, but -"

"Anytime there's a but there's never anything good to say."

"But, I don't love you the same way you love me."

"Because you love Callum? You barely know him, you knew him for what, 2 weeks or 3?"

"This isn't about Callum and I don't love him."

"Are you falling in love with him then?"


"You don't have to lie to me, I see the way you look at him, don't think I'm stupid."

"I never said you were stupid Ash, and maybe there could possibly be something there."

"So there could possibly be something between me and you too, if you just give it a chance, Jasmine I love you."

"Ash stop." I stand.

"No, I love you, Always have, and always will." He stands "I knew it from the very first day that I met you that I would fall in love with you."

"Ash." My eyes begin to tear up "Stop."

"Please." He moves closer to me then grabs my face "Just try and give it a chance." He leans in planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Ash I told you to stop!" I push him away from me.

"Well, then there's no fucking point in us talking then!" He knocks everything off of his dresser "Get out, I don't wanna talk anymore."

"Please Ash, don't be like that."

"I said get out!" He yells.

I opened the door and walked out slamming the door behind me, I walk to my room closing and locking my door, and just bursts out in tears.

Me and Ash have been best friends for years and now we were about to let something so stupid ruin our friendship, I really wish he would have kept that to himself.

There's a knock on my door "Jas?" Ash opens the door and walks inside.

"You told me to leave so leave me the fuck alone."

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