Chapter 8

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It's a few days later, i'm chilling inside my room watching some TV then there's a knock on my door "Come in." My mom walks into the room.

"I have everything packed so me and Ryan are about to leave but we'll be back the day before your birthday."

"Okay, i'll take you to the car." I stand and grabs her suitcases bringing them downstairs and she follows behind me.

She opens the front door for me and I walk out and to the car, I set her suitcases down then opens the trunk up and puts her things inside.

Ryan comes walking out followed by Callum "Remember what I said, no parties at all."

"I remember." Callum walks over putting his things into the trunk then closes it.

"I love you, i'll see you soon." My mom hugs me and I hug her back.

"I love you too."

Ryan gets into the car "You both take care of the house."

"Of course." Callum smiles.

My mom gets into the car "Bye!"

"Bye!" We both wave at them as Ryan starts the car then drives off.

"You wanna come with me shopping?" We walk back to the house and inside.

"Shopping for what?"

"The party i'm throwing later."

"What did your dad just say?"

"He won't find out about it, i'll make sure of it." He chuckles "Are you coming or not?"

"Why not? Let me get dressed."


I walk off upstairs and into my room, I change into some jeans and a short sleeve t shirt then slips my socks and shoes on. I put my hair into a high ponytail then puts my sweater on and leaves my room going back downstairs.

"Okay i'm ready."

"Great, let's go." We leave out the front door and gets into his car then he drives off.


We arrive at the supermarket and walks inside, he grabs 2 carts from the side and hands me one "Just pick out any snacks that you like."

"Okay, should I cook something or no?"

"I mean you can if you want, you don't have to." We walk down the snacks aisle and he begins grabbing things throwing them in the cart.

"Okay, i'm gonna pick up some chips and salsa." I walk down the aisle and turns the corner then grabs some Doritos, some Tostitos, some cheese doodles and some other chips and puts it in the cart. Then I grab some spinach dip and some creamy avocado sauce and throws it in the bin.

I walk back to the snacks section where Callum still was picking up some snacks "Grab some Reese's too." I tell him and he grabs a couple bags of it.

"I sure hope nobody comes and messes up the house cause we're really gonna be in trouble then." I laugh.

"I'm inviting a lot of people but not that many, less than 30 people."

"Oh, that's good I guess."

"Hey, I was gonna talk to you about something else, what do you think about me throwing you a birthday party?"

"Oh, um, I wouldn't mind but I don't really have that much friends to invite."

"Well let's hope you make some more friends tonight, that'll be great." He smiles.

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