Chapter 5

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My alarm goes off, I open my eyes slapping the clock a few times so it could shut up and finally it does.

It was my first day of school at a new school, I was a little bit scared, meeting new people, starting over.

I'm glad I was going into school knowing at least two people.

I get out of bed then walks over to my closet and begins looking for something nice to wear.

I pick out this light blue jeans with rips in them and a black crop top, I pick out my all black nike shoes and some socks then leaves my outfit on my bed.

I grab a towel and my phone then walks off to the bathroom and shuts the door. I put some music on my phone then undresses and gets into the shower and begins washing up.

Once i'm done washing up I get out and dries off, I lotion up my whole body and puts some deodorant on and perfume then wraps the towel around me.

I brush my teeth twice and washes my mouth out then opens the door and walks back to my room. I quickly get dressed then puts my hair in a high ponytail and puts my book bag on, I check my outfit out in the mirror to make sure I looked perfect before I leave my room.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen, Callum was in there having a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning." He turns to me with a smile.

"Good morning." I walk into the kitchen sitting down around the counter.

"Want anything to eat before we go off to school?"

"No thanks, I'll just buy me something on our way there."

"Are you nervous?"

"Of course, It's hard enough for me to make friends and now I had to change schools, it sucks."

"Don't worry, I'll show you around and introduce you to some of my friends." He finishes off the rest of his cereal then puts the bowl into the sink "So are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I stand and slips my phone into my pocket.

I follow him out of the house and to his car, we get inside and he drives off.

We stop at the store and I order myself a bagel with cream cheese and bacon then we continue driving to school.

I open my food and begins eating "You want a bite?" I hold the bagel out to him.

"No thanks."

I pull it away and begins eating again.

"So do you have any hobbies, anything you like to do for fun?" He asks.

"Not really, I mean I love to cook and I love to play video games, I don't know what else."

"I've never had a gamer friend that was a girl, what kind of games do you play?"

"GTA5, dead by daylight, Minecraft, 2K2020, only about 4 of the call of duty games, and lots of horror games."

"That's cool, so maybe later we can play a couple of games on my xbox"

"Sure, I guess so."

The rest of the ride to school is quiet, We finally arrive at the school, I step out of the car and throws my trash into the trashcan then waits for him.

He finally gets out of the car and we walk up to the building and then inside.

"So look, i'm gonna take you to the office so you can get your schedule and then i'll take you to your first class."

"Okay, thank you so much." I smile.

"Of course, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything." I follow him down this hall and then we take a left and the office was right there.

We walk inside and up to the office lady "Excuse me, I'm a new student and i'm here to pick up my schedule, my name is Jasmine brown."

"Okay, let me just check that for you." The lady begins looking through her computer "Okay I have your schedule right here, i'm gonna print it out for you." She prints the schedule out then hands me it "Here you go."

"Thank you."

"Enjoy your first day." The woman smiles.

We both leave the office "Okay so my first class is Chemistry." I scan over the schedule.

"Let's hope both of us have half of our classes together." He grabs my schedule scanning it over "Well we have three classes together, that's better than nothing."

"Well that's somewhat fine." He takes time to my first period class.

"Well this is it, I hope you enjoy your first day here, and don't worry, you'll make some friends." He smiles "I'll come pick you up to take you to your next class, okay?"

Gosh, he was so sweet.

"Okay, see you later." I walk into the class and finds me a seat all the way in the back, I hope these next hours pass by fast.


It's later on after school, I'm waiting outside for Callum by his car when all of a sudden I spot Claire walking in my direction.

"Hey there again" She smiles "Jeanette was it?"

"No, It's Jasmine."

Was she trying to be funny or what?

"Oh and you're Cassie right?" I respond.

"No." She frowns "It's Claire."

"Oops." I smile.

Callum walks out of the school building, Finally.

He walks towards us "Hey baby." He kisses her.

"Hey there handsome."

He unlocks the car so I get into the backseat and they get into the front then he drives off.

"So i'm gonna drop you off at home, I'm going somewhere else."


Yeah okay, probably going to Claire's house, i'm not stupid.

"So Jasmine, are you seeing anyone?" Claire turns around to me trying to make small talk.

"No, I'm single."

"Oh, that sucks, a girl as pretty as you shouldn't be single." She smiles.

"Don't worry, it's my choice to stay single."

Every boy i've ever dated only wanted one thing from me, which was sex. I haven't even had sex yet, it just scares me, maybe with the right person I might change my mind.

"Aw okay, well do you miss atlanta?"

"Of course, I miss my friends, I miss my old school, I miss everything."

"It sucks going to new places but you'll be fine, Actually I was thinking of inviting you to my sleepover i'm having on Friday, Would you wanna come?"

"It sounds nice but I don't know."

"Come on, there'll be food, liquor, weed, I can also introduce you to some of my other friends, it'll be fun."

"Okay, why not?"

I know I'm about to regret saying this.

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