Chapter 18

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We have just arrived at the bowling alley, even after all the drama that happened earlier Ash still decided to come along with us but I'm glad he did.

We all walk inside and up to the front counter, we order our shoes and we pick out a lane. We walk over to our lane and sits down and begins changing into our bowling shoes.

"So are we gonna be on teams?" I ask my mom and Ryan.

"How about the grown-ups vs the teens?" Ryan chuckles.

"Okay, be ready to lose" Callum laughs.

We enter our names into the system then we begin bowling.

"Watch and learn." Ash grabs one of the bowls and focuses on the lane then throws the ball, it knocks down all of the pins.

"That's how you do it!" He walks back towards me and holds his hand up so I high-five him and laughs.

"My turn." Callum grabs a bowling ball and throws it down the lane, he knocks down only 2 of the pins.

"Well, at least you tried." Ash teases.

I laugh "I've never done this before but I think I got it." I grab a bowling ball and throws it down the lane, I knock down 4 pins.

"Well hey, at least you knocked down more pins than Callum did," Ash says.

"I used to be a pro at this" Ryan grabs one of the balls "Let's see if I still got it." He throws the ball hitting a strike.

"Look at you, babe." My mom kisses him on the cheek "I suck at this game but I'm still gonna try" My mom throws the ball hitting a strike also "Wow, I must not suck anymore." She laughs.

We go back and forth playing the game, and in the end, the parents ended up winning.

"Well, it looks like we won." Ryan laughs.

"I did not know you were so good at bowling dad."

"Do you guys wanna play another round or do you wanna go grab something to eat?"

"Let's go eat cause I'm starving." My mom replies as she puts her jacket back on.


We switch back into our sneakers then hands the bowling shoes back to the woman then leaves, we get into the car and Ryan drives off.


It's later on and we're back at the house, I waited for my mom, Ryan, and Ash to fall asleep then I made my way down the hall to Callum's room and knocks.

"Come in." I walk inside the room, he was on his XBOX playing some call of duty vanguard.

"I was bored so I wanted to see what you were up to." I closed the door behind me and walked over to his bed sitting behind him.

"I'm on the mic with a couple of friends, what's up?"

"Everyone else is sleeping so we got some alone time to ourselves, if you know what I mean." I leaned forward kissing him on his cheek.

"Guys, I'll get back on later." He quickly turns the game off "What you tryna do?" He laughs.

"You already know what I'm -" We're interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I thought you said everyone was asleep?" Callum whispers.

"I thought so." I stand "Go see who that is."

Callum walked over to the door and opened it "Oh, it's just Ash."

Ash peeks into the room "Oh sorry, Did I interrupt?"

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