☁️kokichi ouma x reader ☁️

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It was yet again another night in your room. There had already been four people killed. It feels like it was only a few days since you have arrived but.. yet you had no idea what day it even was.

This was no ordinary thing that people do. Yet with your luck you somehow ended up here. Having to kill for you to live another day.

Of course you couldnt bring yourself to do it that's why you try to be buddy buddy with everyone so they dont have a bad taste of you.

And thats where tonight felt very diffrent from any other night. It felt like tonight would be diffrent.

But yet somehow you had a feeling that someone would come after you tonight.

And there where you where all day was your room. Making sure to take extra precautions to make sure that you would live another day.

You where in your room. It was almost time for the curfew bell to go off. You sat to yourself thinking if today was going to be your last day. Until you got a knock on your door, you began to shake as you slowly got up from your seat.

You took in a deep breath as your shaky hand wrapped around your door nob.

You slowly opened the door. Kokichi was standing right in front of you. You let of a sigh of relief as he tried to push open the door.

"Let me in the curfew back is about to go off" he said with a smile.

You where a bit confused as why he wanted to hang out in your room tonight. But you let him in anyways.

You made sure to lock the door because you didnt really want anyone else comeing in.

"So uh why did you want to be in here?" You ask.

He looked at you with a serious face "well to kill you".

Your heart yet again sunk to the floor as you heard him say that.

"Kidding" kokichi giggled and stuck his tounge out at you.

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