Preview: It's time

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Note: I do not own any characters and the official lore from this story. This story was based off of the lore from the game Valorant, as well as the wiki page where I read most of the information about this game is from.


"Y/N!!" screamed Viper while adjusting her lab glasses. Her voice roaring through three to four rooms from hers.

"Sorry sorry!! I'll be right there... Hold on just a second!" you said, running down the corridor with a cup of hot sizzling coffee in your hands.

"Excuse me- Hi Skye! Morning Sova-" passing through everyone in a rush.

Suddenly you knock into the ghostly form of Omen, "Agh- I'm sorry sir-" apologetically bowing your head before you leave.

"Hold on a sec- I need to talk to you." He grabs your arm and you duplicate yourself in order to talk to him and deliver Viper's morning coffee.

"Yea? What's up?" You look up at him with a smile on your face.

He sighs, "I'm saying this as a friend, alright? Don't work too hard... We both know you'll never please her. Take a break? Let your clones do your work for you while you go to Boracay or something."

"I.. appreciate your concern.. But my clones can't do anything other than walk, eat and hold up a conversation." you said.

He sighs even deeper this time with a simple realization. "Which clone am I talking to right now?" He asked in slight annoyance.

"Y/n R-12 at your service!" your duplicate said, giggling while patting Omen on the shoulder as his expression turned cold.

"R-12 pass my message." He walks away not even sparing a glance at you while muttering to himself. "That little brat..."


Meanwhile, in the lab, you decide to watch Viper do her work while she sips a glass of the coffee you made her. Not in the lab of course- you aren't allowed to step in there- no one, Not even the other adults can go in, well- other than Omen. You quietly observe her behind a glass window right outside the lab, wondering when she'll finally let you in, teach you her ways and truly be her apprentice.

You reminisce about the time she found you. It was a few years after the first light occurred. As far as you could remember, Viper's always been there for you. She's always treated you like a little sister even though you were just a mere orphan she found during her time volunteering at the shelter. Yes, sometimes she's extremely harsh with her words and she kinda doesn't like everyone, maybe even including you, but that's only the radianite talking... she'll always be Dr. Sabine to you.

"Hey y/n! What are you looking at?" Neon asked as she tapped your back, her slight Filipino accent distinguishable from any other VP Agents working here. You turn around to see a very electrifying woman, one who's face is plastered with sunshine.

"Come with me, Brim and Sage are looking for you" She shot a smile as she took your hand and in a matter of seconds you were in Brimstone's office.

You blew a piece of your hair to the side "Can you atleast warn me before you do that?" You said, your hair all fired up and your body, blowing out smoke.

She giggles "Sorry lods" and soon after dashes away to her next mission.

You pat yourself till all of the slight dust falls off of you. What could Brimstone and Sage want..? Oh god- did one of me do anything stupid again? You thought to yourself while looking around for anything broken as you entered Brimstone's office.

"Y/n we need to talk." Brimstone's voice boomed in the room.

You slowly turned to him with a sly smile on your face. "Am I in trouble? Aha-" you laugh nervously, fidgeting your fingers, while you look at Brimstone's scarily stoic face.

"Well it depends on how you look at it.." Sage chuckles while entering the room, slowly closing the door behind her.

"If this is about one of my clones, I have absolutely no control on what they say or accidentally do-" you frantically explained.

"It's not about your clones y/n" Sage smiled. Why is she smiling? Oh god I knew she had some weirdly evil vibe about her- Omen always wondered whether there was something fishy
about her-

"We think it's time." she said while holding my hand.


"It's time? You mean-" You stuttered in excitement, you couldn't believe what they were both implying.

NO WAY NO WAY- There is no way in the mother flippin world that this is happening right now-

"We thought about it for quite a while now and I think you're ready for your first mission" Brim said as he gave you a warm smile of approval.

Without a moment of hesitation, you celebrate, jumping into the air and squealing in excitement! This is it! This is what you've been waiting for- for all these years all you did was train and observe but you never actually had any of the real action.. Your dream is finally coming to life...

but before you could continue celebrating, a bang comes from the door as Viper barges in, breaking the door in the process, with a very displeased face, anger oozing out of her glare. Neon slides in, avoiding the broken glass. "I... might have said something I shouldn't have-" She said as she sparked an apologetic expression to Brimstone and Sage.

Oh no...

before Neon could even run away from the awkward situation, Viper grabbed her. "Cmon Sparky. Stay and repeat what you just said." Viper said, her aura, cold and definitely full of anger-

"I mean- I wasn't exactly sure- why don't we just resolve all of this by looking at some memes I found on this facebook page-" She mentioned, slowly straying farther away from the topic. "Oh look at this one- haha it's about poisonous butterflies!" She mentioned while showing the crowd her phone, earning a scowl from Viper.

"I will dissolve your phone in acid if you continue to change the topic." Viper said.

"I- alright alright- Viper asked where Y/n was and I may have mentioned a few things.. Like how she's gonna finally be able to join me and the others on missions now.. I swear I'm not a marites tho- I just thought she already knew cause they're close and yea.." Neon quickly said, embarrassed.

Brimstone sighs, rubbing his fingers on his eyebrows, " Look Sabine, you can't just keep y/n in this place forever... Let her live her life beyond these walls. Let her use her powers for good.. We need more help in the field and I think y/n could do wonders out there.."

Viper scowls, "You don't understand. She's not ready- You can't let her go-" and before she could say anything else Brimstone cut her off. "That's not your call."


P.S I want to clarify that this isn't official valorant lore but it does make a lot of references to the valorant wiki.

~ Marites - Someone who likes to gossip (Filipino slang)

~ Lods - "Idol" in Filipino slang, mostly used as a nickname for someone such as your friend or someone you look up to.

**Comment your suggestions and i'll get back to them as soon as I can <3**

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