Chapter 5: Bet

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"No way!" Neon mumbled, walking alongside Jett while eating her pandesal.

"Yes way!! Dude you should've seen her clip!! I couldn't believe it until I saw Yoru's body cam- "She destroyed other me!" Jett said with an extremely obvious tint of excitement in her voice.

By now, everyone's heard of the girl that stood up to protect Split by her own accord.

Whispers around the campus can be heard everywhere as you walk by the corridors. You've noticed how much Killjoy's been following you around lately, just observing you. Whether that's when you're eating in the canteen or just calmly reading a book on the bench outside. She always had her eyes open and she was horrible at hiding it-

You were just eating food while reading a very interesting book–Love Hypothesis (not sponsored just thought you guys might like it)–by yourself, and you noticed a pair of eyes watching you.

Killjoy was eating a packed lunch containing some sort of pasta and as she was slurping käsespätzle down her throat, I kid you not, you both made eye contact and the worst part was she didn't look away or stop eating- No. She slowly ate her food until you steadily covered your face with the book, deciding to ignore the pair of eyes that just locked onto you. 

As you were about to leave, you turned to your right, stumbling, startled to see Killjoy in front of you, equipped with an enthusiastic smile. Good God- You let out an exasperated sigh, a hand on your chest, as you looked at her, scared shitless.

"Hi!" She said as her body perked up with a small wave of her hand.

"H-hi..?" You stuttered, as you slowly raised your right hand, giving her a small wave in return.

"Okay- So you may not know me... but I'm-" You watch as she struggled to introduce herself. "Well I... I've heard a lot about you and I just wanted to tell you that I really find you as... Cool!" she quickly said.

"O-Oh! Uhm- Thank you I guess..?" Now you were struggling to find the right words to say.. "You're cool too!! I.. I saw your nanobots" You said scratching the back of your head as you gave her a small smile.

Raze takes off her headphones and starts walking over to both of you. "Killjoy, you better not be scaring the new recruit.." She said as she gave Killjoy a small glare "I didn't hear your conversation but just by looking, I could tell that she was bothering you" Raze said, with a heavy Brazilian accent, giving you a bit of a sleek smile.

"Was I? Oh no.. I'm sorry..." Killjoy apologized. She had been giving you the creeps for quite a while but you didn't really mind.

"Oh no, no!" You said, as you shook both of your hands in front of your chest.

You tried to explain to both Killjoy and Raze that you didn't mind and that you weren't being bothered, which was pretty hard considering how much Raze liked to tease Killjoy on the matter.

She'd laugh and nudge Killjoy, poking fun at her vulnerable and cute personality meanwhile Viper comes into the cafeteria. She strode in with a lab coat and a file in the clutch of her hands.

You were struck with numbness, you haven't seen her for two days already... Well, not her. You haven't seen Sabine in two days.. You were wondering what she was doing in the cafeteria, she normally doesn't come in here since she didn't like to interact with everyone else as much...

As soon as you see the canteen lady handing her a cup of coffee, it strikes you. The reality you were living in... She didn't have you in this world... Did she have no one all this time..?

You watched as Viper took a sip of her coffee and as you were, she noticed you looking over at her. Her dark venom green eyes pierced through yours as she looked over to the file she was holding.

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