05. Soup

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Waking up, Gulf opened his eyes lazily before closing them again. He had taken the day off. It was one of the rare times where he could sleep as much as he wants.

Feeling comfortable, he snuggled up to the source of heat. He was about to pull it closer to him when he realised it wasn't an 'it'.

To his surprise, the 'it' was Mew.

Right, Mew came last night.

Mew was sleeping next to him. Half of his body was draped across Mew's body.

Slowly, Gulf climbed off Mew. Slowly so as to not wake up Mew of course. Not because he misses that warmth. Nope.

Gulf was about to walk away when he realised that his fingers were intertwined with Mew's.

Heat crept up his cheeks as he tried to pry his fingers away. Frowning when it proved to be too difficult.

Mew had held his hand too tightly.

Eventually, he was able to pry his fingers. Gulf gently lifted Mew's head to place the pillow. After tucking in Mew, he quickly washed up.

He needs to prepare breakfast before Bright wakes up. He could cook hangover soup for Mew as well.

After placing a glass of water and aspirin on the bedside table, he went to the kitchen.


A sharp pain stabs Mew's head the second he opened his eyes.

He glanced at the clock.

10.30 am. It's still morning.

Sitting up, he held his head in his hands. Mew cringed in pain, frowning.

Memories of last night slowly flooded his head. He buried his face into the pillow, his ears tinged red.

Fuck that was so embarrassing!

He and his stupid high alcohol tolerance. If he didn't remember anything, he could play dumb. But since he remembers everything, he knows that he won't be able to act naturally around Gulf. He doesn't know how to behave around Gulf.

Mew slowly sat up, bed hair extremely ruffled. Looking down at his outfit, he sighed. The blush on his cheeks was even more prominent now.

He could feel how the boxers he wore were made of a different material than what he normally wears.

That means Gulf saw...everything. Literally everything.

Mew ran his fingers through his hair.

Time to face the music I guess.

He was about to get up when the door opened. Startled, he looked up.

"Good morning P'Mew!" Bright said happily. He was careful not to shout, in case it makes Mew's headache worsen.

"Morning Bright." Mew waved to him, embarrassed. Not only was it the first time he slept over at the pair's home, it was also cause he was drunk.

"Dad placed aspirin and a glass of water on the bedside table. Take those first." Bright said.

He climbed onto the bed and sat cross-legged in front of Mew.

After Mew took the aspirin and drank some water, Bright smiled cheekily at him.

"Do you want to hug me too?"


Mew just nodded sheepishly. Bright plomped onto Mew, the thick duvet between them.

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