09. Ring

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One month later

"Alcina!" Mew laughed when Alcina squirted water at him. She was getting more and more playful.

They were filming now but it didn't feel like work. Everything just came naturally.

Alcina slowly swam to the end of the pool, making a quick getaway. Mew waded through the water, pretending to chase her.

"Aren't you a cheeky one?" Mew stood in front of Alcina, crossing his arms across his chest.

Alcina flipped over, playing dead. Mew swore her eyes were twinkling.

Ben clapped his hands. "Break is over. Alcina, behave alright."

Alcina flipped back and glared at Ben, making Ben shrink back in fear.

"You will still have plenty of time with your favourite Mew okay." Ben assured Alcina.

Alcina seemed to be satisfied with that reply. She let Ben continue to guide her while she swum, Mew walking beside.

After fifteen minutes, she halted. Her fins continued to move but she didn't swim forward. She does this when she doesn't want to swim anymore but needs to stay afloat.

Ben's eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Something is not right. She would usually swim more."

Ben and Mew guided Alcina to the steps of the pool. "Let's stop the filming for today then. I will run some tests on Alcina with the team."

Mew swallowed the growing unease in his heart. Alcina is on her 11th month, only a month away from her due date. Having been with Alcina for over a month, Mew has grown attached to her. He hopes that nothing bad would happen.

Alcina brushed her fin against Mew's hand, pulling Mew from his reverie. "She is trying to assure you that she is alright. She is right Mew. Don't think too much." Ben pat Mew's shoulders.

Mew took a deep breath and exhaled, letting his shoulders relax. "Right. Alcina is in good hands. So I shouldn't worry too much."

Ben gave a pat to Mew's shoulders. "Leave it to us. Go on, I can see Bright fidgeting already."

Mew looked behind. Although Bright appeared nonchalant, anyone could tell he was excited.

Bright flipped the pages of his book listlessly. The crew were going to have the rest of the day off to explore the rest of Lipsi before they leave next week. Mew, his dad, Beam, Phana and Forth were going to bring him to the beach to behave lunch and fun. But filming overran today.

Bright gave up reading, closing his book. Laying back in his chair, he let his arms hang while he looked up at the ceiling.

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep...

Sheep...Ah I want to eat the steak we had for dinner last night again. I wonder if we can eat at that tapas for lunch?

"Patience Bright. I know that you are a growing boy but wait five more minutes for Mew to exit the pool and change."

Gulf continued to scroll through his iPad, his sunglasses propped on his head. He would love to continue admiring Mew being hot in his swimsuit. But some dogs at his company were causing trouble so he had to sort it out.

Hearing Mew say goodbye to Ben, Bright instantly sat upright and stared at the clock intensely, as if pressurising time to move faster.

"Easy there tiger. Time is not going to go faster even under your intense stare." Mew picked up Bright from behind, making Bright wrap his arms around Mew's neck by reflex.

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