31. Now and forever

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"Win, wake up. We are reaching soon." Bright gently patted Win's shoulder.

Win stirred from his sleep. Looking out of the window, he could see the island in sight.

Mew quickly caught Win before he fell from his seat in excitement. Win giggled, beating Mew's chest. "Upsies! I want to go see!"

Mew laughed, lifting Win in his arms. How could he deny his son's request?

Walking to the front of the yacht, they enjoyed the sea breeze ruffling their hair. The sea gulls flew over them, the ocean lapping against the yacht.

"Do y'all want to get lunch after we place our luggage?" Gulf asked.

Forth groaned, burying his head into Beam's stomach as he laid on Beam's lap. Beam stoked his husband's hair. "Y'all can go ahead. I think Forth and I will stay in the room. He is still feeling seasick."

Beam bent down, gently whispering to Forth if he needed any medication. Forth shook his head, snuggling into his husband's hold.

"We will buy some food back for the both of you then. What about the rest?" Gulf asked.

"David and I will take a rain check. The travel has worn us out slightly. We are still relatively full from the breakfast on the plane so we will just have an early supper later." Layla smiled tiredly.

"Pha and I will check and ensure that the wedding arrangements are more or less settled. Afterwards, we will join you guys for lunch." Ming said, turning his attention back to Pha who asked if he would like water.

Ming nodded, and Pha opened the bottle for him. The gesture may seem small but Pha's attention to these small details makes him feel cared for, looked after, while recognising that he can do these things himself. Ming shyly thanked his boyfriend, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"This sleepy baby will probably sleep throughout the afternoon." Tul gestured to Max, the others chuckling softly or smiling to not wake Max up. "I will go with y'all for lunch and buy back food for him."

Mew walked back in with Win in his arms. "We have reached!" Win whispered upon noticing his Uncle Max still asleep and Uncle Forth who was feeling unwell.


After they ate lunch, Bright and Win took a nap in their grandparents' room while Mew and Gulf joined Pha and Ming who were going back to check on the wedding preparations.

Mew and Gulf strolled through the reception venue. The wooden chairs and tables were set up in front of the beautiful view of the Aegean Sea. Lanterns hung overhead, promising a plethora of golden lights lighting up the venue. Several more guests will be flown over, the yacht bringing them to Lipsi. The wedding ceremony will be held at the chapel where Gulf asked Mew to be his boyfriend. After the ceremony is the reception.

"Are you nervous?" Mew asked. He sat down on one of the chairs, looking at the sea.

"With?" Gulf sat beside Mew, facing him.

Mew turned to face Gulf. "All of this." Mew gestured to the wedding preparations.

Gulf chuckled.

"I am not so much nervous about whether the wedding is perfect or not. It will be nice if it goes smoothly. But in the case that it doesn't, it doesn't matter to me. As long as I get to marry you, anything else doesn't matter.

I am also not so much nervous about getting married to you. First, I am already married to you. Second, getting married to you is like a dream come true. Rather, I feel excitement. Excited for you to place the ring on my finger, excited to claim your lips, excited to make love to you at night." Gulf winked, Mew blushing.

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