25. D-Day

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Gulf's POV

All I could see was mangled metal, huge blazes of orange and red. I ignored the loud noises and acrid smells, pushing through the crowd.

I had to get to them.

The police officers tried to hold me back, saying to 'let them do their job and don't play a hero'. But according to the firemen's protocol, they couldn't go in unless the fire died down a little more.

I couldn't just watch the fire burn away the chance of seeing my family's lives and do nothing.

Pushing the police officdfs away, I tackled some to the ground before rushing to the blazing fire. I didn't care about the consequences nor the danger.

The heat seared my skin as I opened the door. But the following sob wasn't from the pain. It was from seeing the devastating state Jackson and Emma were in.

Blood trickled down their foreheads. Their arms were covered in burn marks. Shards of glass pierced them.

I set aside my emotions. There wasn't time to be emotional. I focused on rescuing them first.

Unbuckling their seatbelts, I piled them onto my shoulders and rushed out. The adrenaline rush propelling me forward.

The paramedics rushed towards me, laying Jackson and Emma down on mobile stretchers. They swiftly pushed them into the ambulance.

Jackson turned towards me, a weak smile in his face.

"Gulf, we owe you so much."

I shook my head fervently. It was me who owed them. They taught me that not everyone in society is bad. They taught me that it is possible to love someone. They taught me what it means to have an even bigger family.

"If you say so Gulf." Jackson laughed weakly. He coughed up blood, making me panic as the paramedics tried to stabilise his condition.

"But you did give us a lot. You gave us justice, a future and most importantly, a family.

And even though we aren't able to repay you in this life, please help us with another favour."

At that moment, Jackson's trademark hyena laughter and jovial spirit was replaced by a desperate plea, gratefulness and resignation.

"Please take care of our son."

"I promise, with all my heart, soul and mind, that I will take care of Bright till the very end. We are family. Of course I will take care of him."

I assured them, mustering the brightest smile I could. Even though deep down, I wanted to break down and sob, drown my sorrows in whisky.

"Thank you for being our friend. Our family.

Take care of Bright for us na. We will always be there for you and Bright. "

Emma said to me. At those words, I couldn't help but tear up.

I hated how those words could possibly be their last.

When we reached the hospital, Bright ran up to them. I held Bright up so that he could see them. He was sobbing wildly, shouting for them.

It was as if they were hanging on to see him for the last time. Because after they smiled at him, their eyes shut. The hands that caressed Bright's face dropped, lifeless.

I was on Forbes top 100 as well as 30 under 30. I was CEO of one of the largest enterprises in Thailand and MNC worldwide. I had private islands and sat on the board of tech giants.

I seemed to have so much power.

Yet, in that moment, I felt powerless.


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