20. MIA

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A/N: This is a ForthBeam chapter, continuation from the ForthBeam moment in Chapter 17.


A few days after Forth confessed

Beam growled. His bangs were plastered to his forehead. Sweat dripped down his neck.

He would normally wipe it away with his towel. However, today, he didn't care.

He took a swing at his opponent. The poor junior dodged hurriedly, only to be hit in the gut with Beam's other fist.

The junior stumbled onto the floor. Beam immediately grabbed him into a chokehold. The junior tried to break from Beam's grip, but his attempt was futile. Beam's hold tightened, threatening to cut off his oxygen supply.

With his arms and legs flailing weakly, the junior tapped on the ground.

Beam scoffed and let the junior hurry out of the fighting ring.

"Weak." Beam mumbled. This was already the tenth person and he still hasn't got a good fight.

Taking a swig of water, he pushed his bangs back. Beam re-taped his hands, his silent fury building instead of being quenched.

Stupid Forth.

Idiot Forth.

Dumb Forth.

Where the fuck was he?!

He always made sure we would have at least one meal together, or just meet each other for several minutes a day.

But I haven't seen him for three days!

At least he is fine. Seeing from the notification from his apple watch sent to me, he is alright.

Beam paused.

Is it because of me not responding yet to his confession? But he told me he will wait for me...

Beam pouted.

Ughh! He is going to go crazy. He should find a senior to fight with. They will put up more of a fight, allowing him to better ease the tornado of emotions in him.

Just when Beam was about to walk towards a trembling senior, Phana stood in his way.

"Beam, let's talk."

Beam frowned.

"No. Let me go fight. Plus, you always bug me to go train. So why are you interrupting my practice?"

Phana sighed. Practice? More like torture session.

He glanced at the juniors, seniors and peers behind him. All shook their heads, terrified.

"Let's talk elsewhere."

Beam folded his arms across his chest.


Phana raised an eyebrow. "No?"

He threw Beam over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He doesn't want anymore people landing in the medical treatment room just because Beam is going ballistic.

Beam thrashed wildly but Phana has a firm grip on him. Phana slapped Beam's legs, leaving a stinging pain. "Enough of your tantrums."

Beam pouted, letting his arm hang and sway while Phana walked out of the practice room.

Beam gave a middle finger to the relieved crowd of people.



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