Chapter 18: The Get Along Shirt

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After the event had ended, Slenderman and Zalgo stubbornly maintained their animosity towards each other, refusing to tolerate one another's presence despite the camaraderie displayed by the rest of the group.

(Artwork by Silvakeisbest 👀✨️🔥)(Adorable bro, I can't- 🥺💕)

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(Artwork by Silvakeisbest 👀✨️🔥)
(Adorable bro, I can't- 🥺💕)

Slenderman and Zalgo found themselves in an unexpected predicament. Both of them were being punished by Trenderman and the caretakers at the daycare, forced to wear a big t-shirt that boldly proclaimed, "Our Get Along Shirt." Well, more like a 'Get the fuck along' shirt. It was a clever attempt by (Y/N) to promote harmony between the two notorious figures, but Slenderman and Zalgo were far from thrilled about the idea.

(Y/N) had hoped that the shirt would bring Slenderman and Zalgo closer together, but the reality was quite the opposite. The two creatures continued to bicker and argue as (Y/N) watched, disappointed. However, Jeff and Toby, two other mischievous children at the daycare, saw an opportunity to resolve the situation.

They quickly fetched two shirts and skillfully sewed them together, creating a unique garment that would accommodate both Slenderman and Zalgo. The newly modified shirt now read, "Our Get Along Shirt" on the front and back, emphasizing thie importance of unity. Trenderman joined in, offering his sewing expertise, as he believed that his brother and Zalgo needed to learn how to be friends.

Reluctantly, Slenderman and Zalgo found themselves wearing the fused shirt. They sat side by side, visibly annoyed and displeased with the situation. (Y/N) approached them with a smile and asked, "Do you, or do you not feel Bonita?" Surprised by the unexpected question, Slenderman, and Zalgo exchanged puzzled glances before responding, "Yes, we feel Bonita."

(Y/N) beamed with delight and complimented their appearance. Trenderman joined in, clapping his hands in approval. Jeff, who had initially found the idea of the Get Along Shirt amusing, took it to another level and began teasing Slenderman and Zalgo relentlessly. His playful antics brought laughter to Aida and the background, adding a sense of joy to the daycare.

Aida pleased to witness the positive impact (Y/N) had on the children, decided to join in the fun. She grabbed a random shirt adorned with Hello Kitty and playfully put it on Jeff, knowing his dislike for such things. Jeff's irritation was evident, and he was about to tear the shirt apart when (Y/N) intervened.

In a swift motion, (Y/N) captured a photo of Jeff wearing the Hello Kitty shirt. Realizing his mistake, Jeff attempted to take away (Y/N)'s phone, but before he could, Zalgo grabbed him by the shirt collar, his voice filled with a stern warning, "Don't."

(Y/N) expressed gratitude towards Zalgo for his intervention, and he responded with the most adorable smile. "(Y/N), you truly are my little Devil," he said affectionately. "No, you're the little one here, Zalgo." (Y/N) replied as Aida smiled warmly, taking in the heartwarming scene before her. The daycare had transformed into a place of genuine happiness and camaraderie, and she hoped that this newfound harmony would last forever.

As the day went on, Slenderman and Zalgo gradually began to tolerate each other's presence, realizing that their differences didn't have to divide them. The Get Along Shirt served as a constant reminder of the importance of cooperation and understanding. With the support of (Y/N) and their newfound friends at the daycare, Slenderman and Zalgo slowly embraced the concept of friendship, transforming the once contentious relationship into a genuine bond.

(Y/N) and the children were engrossed in various activities, their laughter filling the daycare. Aida's heart swelled with happiness, grateful for the positive impact (Y/N) had brought into their lives. It was a day filled with hope, love, and the promise of a brighter future for everyone at the daycare.


The word meaning for the ones whose first language isn't English such as myself.



mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
"the enforced camaraderie of office life"



famous or well-known, typically for some bad quality or deed.
"Los Angeles is notorious for its smog"

I know, I know, suddenly I went and give you the meaning of the said word. Pfft.



Thank you for reading, hope you like it. I truly appreciate it. I don't know what to say anymore, uh...bye XD. Also, this chapter is short.

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