Chapter 3: Finding A Job

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~The Next Day~

I went and browsed the web for a new job, hopefully getting one sooner. For the rent won't pay by itself but boy, how I wish it did that. I kept on searching for the job for about 2 to 3 hours or so and didn't get any luck. "Damn it." I thought. As I was on the verge of giving up on finding a job, for now at least, I got an e-mail from an anonymous person. Yes, their e-mail is named 'anonymous69XD' and all I thought was how immature this person could be. Nonetheless, here's what they say; "I heard that you've been lookin' for a job and I wanted to say that I got you covered fam. All you have to do is meet me at the park where I'll be waiting for you on the bench near that one thick bush. That is...if you want a job of course. Do you?".

Confused and nervous as to how this person knows that I've been looking for a job flabbergasted me. I replied, "How did you know that I need a job? Also how and where did you get my e-mail from? I could and should report you to the authorities." after that, they replied with "I could explain once we meet, no, I'm not armed with any violent weapons and no, I'm not one of those people from the dark you know what. Also, I'm trying to give you a job here, do you want it or not?". I stared at my screen re-reading the messages over and over again until I decided to reply to them. I decided that I'll accept the offer and it might be worth my time.

"Okay, cool. Meet me at the park @ 5 PM and I'll be wearing a brown coat with a face mask. I'll see you when I see you." anonymous replied. I asked them one last question, which is "How do I know if that person is you?", they quickly replied with "Our password shall be 'What does EJ likes to eat' because only I know the answer to that, unless you're a fangirl or fanboy of this fandom then- nvm that, just say that and I'll reply with 'Kidneys'. Don't question it, just go with it. Got it?". I wrote the whole password down on a note and as I was about to put it on the fridge door. I walked passed my corkboard and saw some notes that weren't supposed to be there before. And I was shocked to see that one of the note is written down in blood.

I backed up a few times so that I can see it clearly and read the contents that aren't mine. Except for the weird colourful notes, of course, I, wrote those out of context because I got bored.

 Except for the weird colourful notes, of course, I, wrote those out of context because I got bored

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I read it and see that someone had answered my weird little notes as well, but not all of them. "Who the hell is Jeff?" I questioned out loud. I then went and read the second note that's written in blood, "Kidney??? Now, where the hell am I suppose to get those?! I ain't giving mine, that's for sure." I said to myself. "Who the hell is LJ?" I questioned again until I read the signed letters, it wrote there, EJ. Wait, isn't that the password for when I meet this anonymous person? What the fuck. "How the hell-" I said but I shrug it off. "It's probably a coincidence, I think not, probably is. Nah~" I placed the note on the fridge door and continued doing nothing. "I guess I'll watch some of Markiplier's videos, maybe Jack's videos. Hm, hard choices. I'll watch them both then. Maybe Cory's videos. Hmm, Nuke's Top 5 perhaps? Roomie's videos???? AGH, watch them all. Done." I, of course, set an alarm for that occasion as well. You don't want to miss a mysteriously convenient job offer, right?

~Ah, The Alarm sounded~

Well, I better get ready to meet them at the park. I should not forget to bring some item to protect me from harm and danger. I mean, you have to admit that this is quite suspicious. And those notes as well added the spookiness level to this whole thing. Hopefully, everything goes as planned.

(What did you take with you as a protection weapon? Do tell. I'm curious, very curious.)

CP Kinder!!! ( LittlePastas X Caretaker!Reader) 《Editing》Where stories live. Discover now