Chapter 10: Intruder Alert!

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Jeff sneaked around the daycare, grasping in his knife tightly. There were 2 intruders in the daycare, stealing the items that they find valuable. I guess these thieves are desperate to even rob the daycare. I mean, really, robbing the daycare? Are you for real? Silently, he went and grab multiple items nearby.

Jeff then make some distraction for the said intruders to look at. He threw one of the He distracted each of them separately. Slowly, he went into the kitchen and took a cleaning cloth to silence their screaming for when he's stabbing them later.

He poured some bleach on the cloth just because, he wants them to suffer and not able to breathe in properly. He then quickly covers the mouth of the intruder by jumping on their back, then stabbing mercilessly into their body until they're no longer moving.

Jeff distracted the other intruder while they searched for their partner, "Louie? Is that you? Where did you go?" They whispered. Jeff quickly jumped on the other intruder's back and covered their mouth with the cloth. The intruder decided to shake him off of them but that just pissed Jeff even more. Jeff then pierced his knife towards the intruder's head multiple times. Once they're no longer moving, Jeff smiled to himself, proud of his kills.

All of the sudden, the lights turned on. And there, standing by the stairs is Aida. She looked at the surrounding, wide eyed and decided to break the silence "What the FUCK happened, JEFF!?" She questioned, clearly pissed and concerned at the same time. Jeff grinned at her, hiding the knife and throwing away the cloth behind him. "Nothing happened, Miss Aida~".


A slight cliffhanger. Don't worry, I published the continuation on the next page as well. So, 2 short chapters in 1. As an apology for my late update. Still trying to find a way to get the girls into the storyline. Haha, I hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter and the next chapter.

CP Kinder!!! ( LittlePastas X Caretaker!Reader) 《Editing》Where stories live. Discover now