Chapter 16: Introducing, Zalgo!

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(Y/N) decided to bring Zalgo with them to the daycare and introduced him to the others. "Alright, today's the day, buddy. You ready to go?" (Y/N) questioned Zalgo who seemed reluctant to go with them. (Y/N) is enjoying this and wanted to introduce Zalgo to Aida as well as the children. Who knows, they might get along pretty well.

Zalgo on the other hand, doesn't like this idea but, the plan must go on if he wants to succeed. "As much as I don't want to go, I know that I must, for I have a mission to complete." (Y/N) shooked their head and dragged his demon ass outside, putting on a helmet for him. (Y/N) decided to ride their motorbike. They put Zalgo at the front, making sure he doesn't do any dumb shit. You even thought about buying the baby strap and putting him in it. "Don't you dare think of it." Zalgo scolded. (Y/N) laughed, "I just thought it would be easier for you to stay put-" "No." Zalgo crossed his arms. He's in his human form now. "You ready?" "I guess." Zalgo shrugged not caring as much. He just wants the plan to go out smoothly.

(Y/N) started their engine and drive off to the daycare with Zalgo. But before that, (Y/N) stopped by a store to buy themselves a smoothie. Don't worry, you didn't forget about Zalgo's smoothie as well. He needs to try some human delicacy. (Y/N) handed him a smoothie and put on their helmet, "Enjoy~ I hope you like the smoothie." Zalgo takes a sip of the smoothie and "Woah!" He thought. "This is not so bad. Thank you, (Y/N)." You nodded, "My pleasure."

They then continued on their journey to the daycare. Zalgo is slowly enjoying the bike ride, it's fast, and he seems to like the wind on his skin. "Hold on tight, little guy." (Y/N) told him so that he won't lose focus and fall off the bike.

Both (Y/N) and Zalgo arrived at the daycare. (Y/N) helps Zalgo take off the helmet. "There ya go, bud." (Y/N) smiled, "We've arrived at the one and only...CP Kinder!" (Y/N) did jazz hands with the last sentence. Zalgo giggled at this.

Zalgo looked at (Y/N), smiling devilishly, "You remember our plan, right (Y/N)?" You nodded and picked him up into your arms, carefully not to spill both of your smoothies, bringing him inside.

Once they were both inside, everyone's eyes are on both (Y/N) and Zalgo. Aida decided to speak up, "Umm, whatcha got there?" (Y/N) looked at Aida and smiled, "A smoothie." Aida nods her head, clearly not the answer she wanted but amused by the answer and accepts it anyways. "Okay." She replied with a smile. Zalgo was met with Slender sitting by the table, "Hello, Zalgo." He stated calmly. Zalgo glared at Slender, "Hello, Slenderman." He said with gritted teeth.

(Y/N) and Aida watched the exchange between the two kids, feeling the tension in the air

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(Y/N) and Aida watched the exchange between the two kids, feeling the tension in the air. Aida decided to break that tension by calling Jeff a nickname he hated. "Come here, Jeffy boy, your friends are here!" Jeff heard it and stomped his feet toward Aida, clearly annoyed at the nickname. "I told you before, that I hate that nickname." Aida just smiled and told him to play together with both Zalgo and Slender.

Jeff looked at the other two children then back to the smiling Aida "FUUUUUUCK no." He flipped his middle finger at her and (Y/N) swore that they saw Aida's eye twitch from underneath the mask. Slender decided to butt in the conversation, "She's pissed off at you, Jeffrey." Jeff smiled and then frowned upon hearing that name of his. "UGHHH, Slender, it's Jeff, Jeff. Not Jeffrey."

Slender shrugs it off, not caring what Jeff told him before. What he cares about at the moment is his nemesis standing right before him. Zalgo looked at him and smiled, returning to his real form. "Oh yeah, and I also brought in a new kid for us. Don't worry, he's with me. I was thinking of taking him into my custody." Aida looked at (Y/N) full of questions in her mind, "So, you're adopting him?" (Y/N) nodded.

Trenderman barges in with excited news. He has made outfits for everyone to try on for tomorrow's CP Kinder fashion show. Both Slender and Zalgo are still glaring daggers at each other, I mean, Slender tried to seem like he is glaring. Trenderman sees that the two children weren't getting along well, so he decided to make a shirt just for them. But that remained a secret until tomorrow.

They all looked at the outfit they need to wear the next day, some aren't fond of their outfit but some are okay with them. Jeff questioned Trender, "Why do we have to wear this?" Trender just smiled and tend to the other children. Jeff was pissed before he could say anything, (Y/N) stopped him. "I think you'd look cool in that. You might as well be the winner of the fashion show tomorrow." (Y/N) smiled.

The other kids looked towards (Y/N), intrigued about the whole winner situation. "There's go-going to be a winner for the fashion show tomorrow?!" Toby shrieked, the others covered their ears just so they won't go deaf from his sudden shrieking. "Y-Yes, Toby. You can talk normally you know, Toby." Toby realized this and apologized. "Sorry, I promise I won't do it again."

Masky decided to cheer him up, "That's okay, we understand that you're excited about the whole winner stuff. Us too." Toby gave Masky a quick smile and a hug. Masky just lets him, "Aww, besties~" Aida mentioned, nodding and agreeing to what Masky stated.

Aida avert her gaze from the two, now looking at (Y/N), and whispered, "There's a winner?" (Y/N) shook their head no. "Not, I mean, we can make it real tomorrow, if you'd like to." Aida thought to herself and nodded in agreement, "Sure, I think it'll be a great idea. That way, they are eager to join in, and not only us who have to put on the clothing by Trenderman." Aida whispered. (Y/N) nodded again.

Trender looked at them both, smiling. He walked closer to them and whispered, "What are we discussing?" Both (Y/N) and Aida are startled by Trenderman. "Well, we decided to have a fashion show contest. There will be a winner if you catch our drift." Aida looked at Trenderman and soon he caught what she meant. "Oh, right, right. Of course, Darling." He nodded and then continued to announce it to the children. "The rumor is true, there will be a winner by the end of the show tomorrow. So, dress up and do your best if you want to be the winner!" Trenderman exclaimed to the children.

The children seemed interested to do the whole fashion show now. "The prize is a surprise, we won't tell you now until the winner is chosen. It's a whole mystery prize." (Y/N) added. Trenderman and Aida both nodded at this information. "That is correct."

Trenderman added in a tad bit more information about what the theme would be, "The theme of the show after my collections would be, Cosplay, as your favorite characters. How exciting!" Aida who doesn't seem all interested at first is now super hyped about it. She squealed, "Yes! I can cosplay as my favorite character." "Who is it?" "It's a surprise, I won't tell you until I show you tomorrow." (Y/N) nodded, "Okay, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone will be dressing up as tomorrow."


What would you like to cosplay as? Do tell. Also, what do you think of my Zalgo design? I didn't change much of his design as what others did but that is his human form-ish.

I followed some reference on his human form with the horns on his head. The hairstyle is just me doing whatever hairstyle for him. Just wanted to say that Slender turned out looking adorable to me. Idk why 😂.

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