#3 Book

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August 25th 2017

Lorenzo's Pov

I finish up my business meeting about the tech company and get in the car to head home. My driver takes me through a small town to avoid the main roads traffic. I'm currently in Texas because there's a big technology conference that I have to attend.

Even though I make plenty of money through the mafia I need something to cover it up and have a growing technology company seemed the best way to go. My son Alessandro has been managing the company mostly but he had a mafia meeting this week so I had to attend for him.

We drive by a small run down school. The town looks deserted because of how rundown and old the things are. All the houses need new siding and the cars are from before this century. It looks like we went back in time to the 1990s. My driver has the radio on and it's playing older music.

I sigh and look out the window. I see a young girl who looks like she's in elementary school walking on the sidewalk. She has long dark brown hair and has a uniform on and a small school bag that looks like it's had better years. She looks at the car and then at me. She has pale skin and big bright blue eyes that look a lot like my family's eyes.

She quickly looks down and picks up her speed. She's very thin and small. The gentle breeze blows towards her and she pulls her coat closer to herself. Soon she is out of my sight and I sigh. She looked a lot like my sons.

After my driver arrives at the 5 star hotel he gets my bags out of the car and we go to my room. Tomorrow is my flight home and I can continue my mafia work. I quickly take a shower and get in bed.

I dream about the little girl I saw walking on the sidewalk and Bianca.

Sarah's Pov

It's been 6 years since my best friend Bianca died. When she first came here I helped her restart her life. She wasn't very open about her past but after a while she trusted me and she told me all about her parent, Lorenzo, the mafia, and her baby girl.

When she died I was going to take Aurora under my custody but I didn't pass the foster process because I couldn't provide for her. Before Bianca died she gave me a letter and said to send it when she died.

It was to Lorenzo and it was telling him where Aurora was. I was going to do it but she specifically moved away from him so she could protect Aurora from Lorenzo and the mafia. I couldn't just tell Lorenzo and let all her efforts go to waste so I kept the letter and let Aurora go to foster care.

It was probably one of the worst mistakes of my life because once in a while I'll see Aurora and she looks beaten badly. She isn't very good and cover bruises with makeup and her eyes have no more light. I never see her smile and I haven't heard her voice since she was 6.

I teach at the school she goes to because I promised Bianca I would watch out for Aurora. I haven't done a very good job. Aurora is about to turn 12 and I tried my best to protect her but I can't. I have to send the letter to Lorenzo telling him about his daughter. I walk to the post office and put the letter in.

Tears pour out of my eyes. I drive to the graveyard and go to Bianca's grave. I sit down next to it and cry.

"I'm sorry Bianca I tied my best at protecting Aurora but she's had a horrible life. Her foster parents abuse her and I can't get custody of her because I'm consider to old and I can't provide for a young girl.

She's really depressed and gets beaten up by her parents. She's a very smart girl but I can't live with myself if I let her spend six more years getting abused.

I sent the letter to Lorenzo today and he should get it within the week and she should be out of this hell hole a few days after that. I'm so sorry Bianca I disappointed you and failed you. I'm so so sorry!" I cried out.

It soon started to pour and I just payed there crying.

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