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September 2nd 2017

Aurora's Pov

I woke up to being carried by Gabriel.

"What's happening?" I ask sleepily.

"The plane is about to land so we have to sit in the chairs and buckle up." He says and sets me in a chair and buckles me up then sits next to me.

I see Lorenzo approaching us and I grab Gabriel's hand and squeeze it. Lorenzo smiles and sits on the other side of me and grabs my hand.

"It's ok Aurora it's just the plane landing." Lorenzo said. I closed my eyes and squeezed there hands.

"Shh. Breath. 1 2 3. 3 2 1." Lorenzo said and repeated it till the plan landed. Lorenzo stood up and picked me up out of the seat and I clutched onto his suit jacket and buried my head into his neck breathing in his relaxing cologne.

Antonio's Pov

I watched as Aurora was squeezing Gabriel's and Dad's hand trying to stay calm as the plane landed. I watched as Dad picked her up and she snuggled into him as he carried her to the car.

Gabriel came by me and the rest of us walked out. Dad decided while she slept with Gabriel that is probably isn't best to keep us being family a secret so the new plan is that Gabriel will go with her and dad home with the rest of us will go in the second car.

During the car ride Dads gonna tell Aurora and then when we get home Aurora is going to meet us. Everyone gets into the correct car and then we start the drive home. After a few minutes of silence in the car I ask.

"How do you think it's going in the other car?" Everyone looks at me surprised.

"Dads probably still explaining us being family." Alfonso said then looked out the window.

"Who do you think will be her favorite brother?" Asked Diego looking a little nervous.

"Gabriel." I said annoyed.

"Why?" Asked Matteo he was now watching me closely.

"She meet him first and got attached to him first. She was hugging Gabriel and fell asleep in his lap instead of dads." Alessandro said.

"We'll I think it's going to be me." Matteo said looking smugly at me. I groaned and stuck my tongue at him.

"Why in the world would it be you?" Diego asked annoyed at his younger twin.

"Well thanks for asking. Reason number 1 I'm much better looking than you all. Reason number 2 I have better hair than you all. Reason number 3 I will take her wherever she wants to go." I started to tune him out and looked at the window.

We've always had competitions in our house. When mom left the challenges got harder and more complicated. I know we all miss mom and are sad that she died. Before we went to the store that we got Aurora from we went to her grave.

Dad put flowers and her favorite chocolate there. The rest of us put a picture of each by her and then a family photo. Dad also put their wedding picture there two. When we were growing up we used to call her and see if she'd answer but she never did.

We left lots of voicemails and we knew someone heard them because the box never got full. On moms birthday we use to celebrate her and have all her favorite things around the house but after a few years everyone grew up and things to do.

The family was sad and broken without her but now that we have Aurora everyone is happy and we're acting more like a family.

"Reason number 69 I have much better muscles than all of you. Except Alessandro. He's got everyone beat even dad." Matteo continued his reasons.

"Look!" Diego said, "we're finally home! We get to get out of this annoying car and meet our little sister!" Everyone smiled and got ready to get out.

"New competition whoever can get out of the car first gets to put her to bed!" Matteo says and Alessandro punches him in the gut and sits in front of the door waiting for the car to stop. Matteo angrily stares at Alessandro.

"Fine we'll play the hard way! Driver lock the doors and close the windows!" Matteo says. The driver nods and a few seconds later we hear Matteo fart.

Everyone looks back at him and holds there breath. Matteo sat there laughing at us because everyone knows he has the smelliest farts.

After the car is parked and we see Aurora, Dad, and Gabriel get out. We all squish towards the door hoping someone will see and unlock it. But Gabriel looks over at us and starts laughing.

A few minutes later the driver opens our door and all of us come tumbling out falling to the floor while Matteo comes out walking on top of us.

Gabriel is bent over laughing at us while Dad chuckles and then we here a small quiet giggle coming from Aurora.

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