#18 Me

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March 6th 2018

Aurora Pov

I slowly wake up and see my bedroom. I smile and try to move but I can't. I look around me and I see all my brothers sleeping around me and Daddy is sitting in a chair snoring.

I giggle and try removing all of them but they latch on tighter. I start to push them harder but they ignore me.

"Get off!" I scream and they all jump up and circle around me trying to protect me from any danger. I giggle and they all turn and stare at me.

"Bubba!" I screamed as he tackled me into my bed and squeezed me tightly. Daddy comes over and joins in leading everyone else to pile on top of them leaving me being crushed underneath them.

Bubba shakes them all off trying to help me breath.

"Where is Ivan?" I asked when everyone calmed down. They all locked at each other before daddy started to speak.

"He's locked in the spare bedroom. We were very worried about you Bambina." Daddy said looking sad. I smiled before hugging him and walking towards the spare bedroom.

When the door unlocked I walked in and found Ivan in the corner of the bed. I run over and hug him.

Daddy soon comes in and tells us to meet him in his office while the others finish some of their work.

Ivan and I follow daddy into his office.

"So according to the mafia code I can't adopt you or have you live with us because we are enemies and you are the current leader of the Russian mafia. So you have a few choices known of them are the preferred.

Your first option is to die.

Your second is to admit defeat and hand over the Russian mafia and then you live with a distant family member.

Your last option is to walk away right now and lead the Russian mafia.

I know that known of these options are ideal and that this is a hard decision so I will give you some time but you need to decide by the end of the day." After daddy told Ivan the options I burst into tears. Ivan stood there with a scared expression.

Soon Bubba came in the room and took me out I cried louder while he tried to console me. He started humming a lullaby till I fell asleep.

Ivan's Pov

After Aurora left the room I looked up At Lorenzo.

"Is there anyway for me to change my options?" I asked Lorenzo.

"Well it would have to go with the rules. What were you thinking?" He said calmly while I sat down in front of his desk.

"Well, I was thinking about option number 2 but I don't want to live with distant relatives. I know what I would be asking if you would be hard considering everything that happened with Aurora but I would rather go into a foster care system or I'm almost sixteen I can take care of myself and live alone. But I'll I'm asking is to not die, be part of the mafia, or live with anyone related."

"You make a very good argument Ivan. I'll have to consider your offer and look into it. But I have another request for you. You may not contact Aurora or anyone in my family." Lorenzo explained.

I looked down but made up my mind.

Auroras Pov

I slowly wake up and look around. I see D and Ant playing a game and Bubby is reading a book. I get up and walk over to Bubby and hug him. He chuckled and pulls me closer.

"I'm never letting you go again Bambina. Your never going anywhere anytime soon." Bubby said before squeezing me and tickle me making me squirm and squeal.

D and Ant come over and join in on torturing me before Gab comes in and saves the day by picking me up and running outside.

The others chase us as we run through the backyard Bubba comes out of nowhere and tackles Gab to the ground while Bubby grabs me and runs through the sprinklers.

I laugh and hold him tightly. The others come over with a bucket of water balloons and we played for hours.

After everyone was fully drenched daddy came out and told us to come and eat but we had to change first.

Bubba helped me change and go downstairs so we could eat. After everyone was finished eating the table became silent and I was scared to ask what happened to Ivan. I looked around the table and noticed everyone was sitting there and looking at their laps.

I didn't understand why everyone was so sad and why Ivan wasn't eating with us.

After a while Bubby and D left because of unfinished work. Ant and Gab left as well. Matty and Bubba were sharing worried glances before they left as well saying they had to sign some papers or something.

I looked at daddy who had a glum looking face.

"Daddy? Where is Ivan!" I asked while twiddling me thumbs looking at my lap. Daddy parted his lips but no words came out.

Lorenzo's Pov

Aurora asked me what happened to Ivan and I think back to my earlier conversation with him.

After I looked over all the paperwork and mafia laws I found no reason to deny Ivan of his wish.

"You are free to have your option but before you leave you have to sign some of these papers. I also have a fake i.d. for you I just need a picture and your new preferred name." I said explaining how everything slowly.

"I-I'm sorry but I'm changing my mind I can't do this I can't do any of the options. Whatever I chose will hurt someone. I can't I can't I can't. I" he said before becoming silent and looked me in the eye before saying the words I thought I would never here coming out of a 15 year olds mouth.

"Option 1."

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