#4 Will

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August 29th 2017

Lorenzo's Pov

I wake up to the birds chirping outside my hotel window. I quickly change and walk downstairs. I check out of the hotel after wishing them a good day, I get into my drivers car.

An hour later we arrive at a private airport where I board my plane with my driver. The pilot takes off 15 minutes later, and we soon are soaring through the sky back to New York City so I can reunite with my broken family.

My family's been broken since Bianca went missing and no one was able to find her. I get out my computer and look at the online files Alfonso found. I still can't get the girl from the little town out of my head.

I put the computer away and go to the bedroom and sleep for the rest of the flight. Around 3 hours later I'm woken up by my driver telling me that we are about to descend. When I traveled with Bianca she was always scared of the take off and landing so she would squeezed my hand.

A tear falls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. About 15 minutes later the planes on the ground and I'm getting into my car. The driver starts it up after my luggage is on the back and he drives towards my mansion where my family is waiting.

Once I arrive my boys say welcome home but get back to their daily routine. I walk to my study and I'm met with Alessandro who is setting out some files.

"Welcome home Father." He says and sits down in front of my desk.

"Thank you. We got a lot more offers for you to go through while I was at the conference." I said and he nodded and left going to his room. I looked through the files of recent people who tried to cross me.

Adam Kingsley, Kaden Hammers, and Lana Howards. All different but had the same goals. I quickly send a letter to their family's with a $5,000 check saying sorry for your loss.

I continue the work I've been doing for the last 11 years. Busy work to keep my mind off Bianca.

Three days later I get a letter that is in Bianca's handwriting. I stare at it in disbelief. I call my sons into my study saying it was important. After a few minutes there all in side my office looking at me.

"I received a letter and it had your mothers handwriting on it." I say and they all stare at me with wide eyes so I continue. I open the letter and unfold it. (Imagine it's Bianca's voice/ letter is italicized)

Dear Lorenzo,
  If you got this letter then that means I'm dead. I'm sorry for the pain and hurt you must feel and I'm sorry for abandoning the boys but I learned I was pregnant again and I couldn't have my baby in danger. I left New York and moved to Texas knowing you would never look there.

I have had a good life her and have friends that like me because of me not because of you or the mafia. I didn't want my baby to be put in danger or have a bounty on their head so I left. I changed my name to Bianca Simons.

I have been working at a law office and have won many cases. I've made a good and healthy life for my daughter. She looks just like you. She's very smart like Alessandro and creative like Alfonso. She likes to play games like Diego and Matteo did when they were young. She has a light in her like Antonio and makes everyone smile and laugh like Gabriel.
She is growing up so fast and has and innocent aura. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for the boys. But I'm sure you did an amazing job raising them to be charming and smart just like you.

My family means the world for me and I had to give it up to protect her. I know you would've did your best to protect her but I had to make sure nobody knew about so she wouldn't be in danger. My daughter means everything to me now and she's a light in the dark. She's the absolute perfect daughter I could ever ask for.

When she was born all I could think about was how much she looked like you! She has your eyes that are big and bright blue that could capture anyones attention. She has this laugh that feels contagious and this cry that heart breaking. She has your hair and she reminds me of the baby pictures your family has around there house.

You might believe that your a big and strong mafia boss with no heart but once you see her you stone heart will chip away. I'm sorry for keeping her away from you and I'm sorry for abandoning you and the boys but I had to keep her safe.

Her name is Aurora Simons. I have a picture of her in the envelope. Please keep her safe and innocent. I know she'll be safe as long as the mafia is far away for my innocent angel.

I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye but know that I love you and it was a hard decision.
Bianca (Rossi) Simons (Bernardi)

I looked up and all of the boys have tears in their eyes and on there checks. Tears fall off my face and onto the letter.

"I-I have a little sister?" Alfonso asks. I nod and look at the pictures in the envelope. I see a picture of when she was born. And one on every birthday. There's 11 pictures of her and the last one I recognize from the small town in Texas. It's the little girl that was walking on the sidewalk.

"I know exactly where she is!" I say and grab my phone.

"Jeff get the plane ready to go back to Texas!" I say and hang up. I run to my room leaving the boys standing there stunned. I pack a suitcase quickly. I look up when I here a knock. All the boys are standing there.

"Can we come?" Gabriel asks tears still coming down his face. I tell him to come and give him a hug.

"Of course you all can. It's your sister." I say and the others come in and join the hug. All crying. After a few minutes the all start to back up.

"But the car is leaving in 20 minutes and the plane is and 50." The all nodded and run to their rooms packing a suitcase.

After we're all in the car and my second in command knows that all of us will be in Texas, we head to the airport and board the plane.

Antonio brought along the pictures of Aurora and has been looking at them. Alessandro, Diego, Matteo, and Alfonso are asleep in the recliners. Gabriel and I are sitting near the coffee table and are playing a card game.

In 3 hours we'll be in Texas and that much closer to Aurora.

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