chapter 2: the wild beast

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after the raid i ran and ran and ran. i don't know how long i ran for but it had to be more than a mile. i sensed i was around trees and heard birds chirping. i found a tree and propped myself up against it and let sleep take over me.

??? POV

i was walking through the forest to my house i decided not to use my portal so i could listen to nature. as i was walking along a path i came across what appeared to be black hair or fur. i saw it made a trail so i followed it. it led to a boy with purple hair and strange wings with a second set of arms on them. when i got closer i saw he had horns but they were covered by his hair but the thing that surprised me the most was that he had no eyes. "what the heck is this guys quirk" i accidently said out loud waking him up.

"who are you, where am I" the boy said in fear "don't worry i am here to help" i said in an attempt to calm him down.

"who are you are you a hero, and why can't i see."

"no i am not a hero but i am a vigilante, and the reason you can't see is because you don't have eyes how do you not know that?"

"some villains took me and experimented on me i don't know for how long though"

"come with me i'll take you to my house" then the boy awkwardly stood up letting his second pair of arm drag along the ground as if he was not used to them "he let me help you" i grab his second pair of arms and have the hand part hold on to his shoulder."thanks" he said


as the nice person led me through the woods and helped me with my arms I sensed something up ahead "is that your house" i said "yes it is how did you know i thought you said you were blind"

"i am but i almost have some sort of sixth sense that lets me know where stuff is just i can't make out the finer details in things like your face." 

"huh thats neat" he said. as we approached the house i sensed no was in side "what year is it" i asked him "it's the year ( input year )" 

i stopped walking "i was gone for a whole year, i was taken in the year (input one year earlier), before i was quirkless now i have this power" i said surprising the person

"what is your name"

"the name is ikagi. ikagi yagi but i don't like my family name" i said with sadness in my voice

"you were that boy who went missing a year ago, but now you look completely different"

"what do you mean i look different" i said in shock. "your hair is purple you have horns but the hair covers them and where your eyes were. and you're a lot taller"

"wow i changed that much. anyway let's not spend too much time worrying about it there is nothing we can do about it" i said walking up to his house and running into the door and fell over. the person helped me up and brought me into the house. his house was not that very big it was the perfect size for one person.

"i'm gunna go sleep on the couch, i am tired and it's late" i said laying down on the couch yawning. "but it's only four o'clock"i heard him say as i drifted off into sleep"


aizawa, enji, inko, nezu, toshinori, nemuri ( midnight ), hizashi ( present mic ), GT, and RG were all sitting at a big table getting having a meeting .

nezu: " aizawa would you care to explain about what you found during the raid"

aizawa: "during the raid a scientist ran off towards a back room so i followed him and captured him. but before i could capture he let something he called M-116 out of containment he said it was supposed to fight us off meaning it was powerful. i then found some black hair or fur on the ground the enji came in and we found files on M-116 it turns out he was apart of something called the magala project and not much else. we did a DNA test on the hairs but nothing we have seen before. although the files said that it could potentially beat all might."

toshinori: "we must capture this subject and find out what it is"

enji: "i agree with toshinori for once. but did the hairs make a trail"

nemuri: "it led a trail to a back door but along the way there was holes in the walls and stuff was knocked over as if it couldn't see. but once we went out the door the hairs were blown everywhere by the wind."

aizawa: "the files mentioned it didn't have eyes so it must have some other way to know what is around it"

enji: but how was something with no eyes supposed to beat all might"

nezu: "i don't know. but everyone needs to stay on high alert for M-116 and the new vigilante in town

death bringer"



i hope you guys liked this chapter 

if you have any suggestions let me know


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