chapter 4: the frenzy virus

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it was the middle of the day and ishiku and i were running from pros. multiple people were standing back and watching pro heroes chase us across rooftops specifically from eraserhead, endeavor, all might, and hawks. hawks was the started sending feathers at us so i pulled out my switch axe. from under my wings but the heroes always think its some fancy cape and they never notice my hairs coming of them. probably because it's dark out.

the switch axe is in its sword mode

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the switch axe is in its sword mode


i was on the couch listening to some music then i sensed ishiku sneaking up behind me. "if you're trying to scare me it won't work i know you're there." ishiku sighed and walked up to me "your no fun, but there is something i have to show you"he said walking away.

i got up and followed him. he did something to a wall then it opened up like a door "wow whats down there" 

"that's the surprise" i grumble in annoyance. i walk down the stairs first but my foot gets caught on an extremely small ledge and end up falling down three flights of stairs. ishiku came down to see if i was ok, surprisingly i was not hurt "now what was it that you wanted to show me".

"how are you not dead . . . anyways i wanted to show you this" he hits the wall then a huge cave lit up "wow . . . . . . . you know the lights don't matter for me right" he sighs "well that ruins the dramatic affect. this is what i wanted to show you" he walks up to a display case with something inside it.

 this is what i wanted to show you" he walks up to a display case with something inside it

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it's this just pretend two switch axes are inside

he pulled out a big sword that took two hands to lift "can you hold this for me" i grab it from him using one of my second arms. he grabs another and i take it with the other arm.

"those are called switch axes" he explains "i made them specifically for you. they start off as a sword then if you push this button" he says pushing the buttons for me. then i hear some gears start turning and then the swords move around and they turn into something else "then they turn into this scythe like axe. normally it takes two hands to hold it but if you use your second set of arms it only takes one hand. but i would only do that unless i have too because you said you want people to think that it's a cape" i was amassed about how he did this "thanks, i don't think i could have ever made these myself how did you do it"

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