chapter 15: roaring muscle

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the monster ran out of the woods and roared, i couldn't make out much of it because of all the smoke making my sensory not work that well. "EVERYONE TAKE COVER" i yelled as the monster charged. i turned into the monster form right as it made contact. i roared in pain 'fuck, this thing is strong'. a portal opened above me and ishiku landed on my head.

"like i'd ever back down from a fight like this" he opened more portals above the battlefield. large objects started falling out of them like boulders, metal beams, trees, and chucks of concrete. the monster kept moving out of the way of the objects. while he was distracted i charged him. the monster grabbed a metal beam in his mouth and smacked me across the face with it knocking me back and breaking one of my horns. 

i went into the frenzy state emitting small amounts of the frenzy virus. i brought my head back then shot three balls towards the monster. all three made contact blowing up knocking it back a little. it roared then charged again but a portal opened above it and a massive explosion came out.

'thank god that's over' i thought. i turned around and stumbled away but a giant roar made me turn around. before i could do anything it grabbed me by the tail and threw me through multiple trees. i groaned in pain attempting to get up. ishiku was trying his best to hold off the monster buy using explosions and debris but it wasn't even doing a thing to it, it was like this thing was made of pure muscle.

i finally got up. 'how is this thing so strong' i thought. the clouds started to clear.


the clouds started to clear revealing the monster.

the clouds started to clear revealing the monster

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'what the hell is that thing'. i made to portals next to me and shot two metal spears out of them hitting the monster making it cry out in pain. i noticed ikagi was starting to recover from the hit. i turned back to the monster, then i see two metal spears not even ten feet away from me and going extremely fast. i didn't have time to open a portal before they hit me.

time seemed to slow down for a second as the spears got closer and closer then if felt like i was hit by truck hitting me out of the way. 

i was dazed of a second but i snapped out of it and realised who had hit me. it was ikagi, and now he has two spears in him 'dang it if only i was paying attention'. the monster ran at ikagi, i opened a portal and hit it with a boulder knocking it over. i ran to ikagi to help him but something was off, it was as if he was glowing in the moonlight.

'what's going on' i thought as i watched him seem to change. the hair on his wings started to fall of revealing dark and light purple scales. the scales on his body started to get a hint of purple and pink. then two pink and purple horns started to grow out of his head but instead of coming out of the top the came out of the front like bull horns in a way. then a row of pink and purple spikes along his spine. then a dark aura surrounded him scaring the other monster a little.

 then a dark aura surrounded him scaring the other monster a little

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'what is this power' i saw ishiku looking at me in awe and the monster in fear. i looked at the monster and started walking up to it slowly as it backed away into a corner. i stopped for a moment, then got up on my hind legs then slammed the monster into the ground like i did with the tigrex at the USJ. i kept slamming it into the ground over and over again. 

finally it was dead. i collapsed and turned back to normal. "you ok ikagi" ishiku said running over to me. he helped me up "i'm good for the most part but my side hurts like hell" some blood was staining my shirt red. "well good to here. now we've got other students to find" he said. 

"ya we do, now let's go" i said running off into the wood with ishiku following behind me. i sensed two thing flying through the sky "who or what is flying" i asked. ishiku looked up "it's some guy and  . . some STUDENTS" he said. they crashed down up ahead somewhere up ahead.

"they're up here, come on" i said speeding up and running even faster. we entered a clearing where some students (shoji, izuku, izumi, shoto) were trying to steal some marbles from a magician. the students got ahold of some but then they turned into ice chunks. i ran in there and bitch slapped that so hard his mask came off making him spit out three marbles. ishiku then drop kicked some guy in a black and grey suit.

i managed to grab two of the marbles but some guy full of scars grabbed the last one. then the marble turned into katsuki and the ones i had turned into tokoyami and katsumi. i dropped katsumi and put tokoyami down nicely. i ran and the guy covered in scars but then i stopped, the guy seemed familiar. i tried to remember him thinking he was a villain from the vigilante days then it hit me. they started to back through the portal the scar dude had his hand around katsuki's neck "s-stay back deku" he said.

the portal closed. i fell to my knees and ishiku ran to me "hey are you ok" he asked. "y-ya i'm fine" i said. i noticed the other villains got away. we portaled everyone back to camp, the police and other heroes just started arriving. the most injured people were izuku, izumi, shoji, and me were being driven to the hospital in an ambulance. i was starting to fall asleep and the last thing i thought was

'touya, why'



hello sorry for the short chapter but i'm planning for what to do later in the story and boy is it going to be crazy

anyways hope you liked the chapter


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