chapter 11: heroes of darkness

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when i made it to recovery girl's office i set ikagi down on one of the beds. RG walked up beside to to check on ikagi "oh dear, these are some bad burns that monster certainly did a number on him didn't it." i sat down as RG started patching up ikagi "so how is he" i asked. "well he has a broken arm, 3 broken ribs, and multiple 2nd and 3rd degree burns" she explained.

"i surprised that thing even managed to break his arm, when he was fighting it didn't even look like he was hurt." i said. she made a worried look "it's a good thing he has a high pain tolerance but it's also a bad thing" she said. i knew what she meant by that. "hello my vigilantes" nezu said coming through the door making look over to him.

"hello nezu" i said back as RG finished patching up ikagi. "well after some convincing i managed to get you and ikagi hero licenses" he said emphasizing on convincing for some reason. but the hero licenses part got my attention. "you got us what" i said making sure i wasn't hearing things. "i said i got you your hero licenses" nezu said.

"thank you so much nezu" i said shaking his hand. "shit now i owe ikagi 2000 yen" (that's about 17 and a half dollars in USD) nezu look up at me "why do you owe him money" he question. "we made a bet on how long it would take for us to get hero licenses, he said we would get it early i said we would have to take the hero licensing exam" i said.

"HA you owe me 2000 yen, pay up" someone yelled from behind me. i turned around, it was ikagi. apparently he sat up to fast and instantly regretted it, because he was now clutching his side in pain. "weren't you just unconscious" i question him. "i woke up at the sound of you admitting defeat to me, but getting a hero licenses is pretty cool too" he said.

"i'm gonna need to knock me out quick" he said. i looked at him in confusion "uuuuuhhhh why" i asked. "too late" he said then all of class 1-A and all might and brainstorm burst into the room. everyone crowded around ikagi. 'how has no one noticed i don't have vigilante mask on' i thought. "ikagi my baby are you ok" inko i think her name was said. ikagi froze "did you just tell everyone my name" he said with a menacing aura.

"i-i'm sorry i didn't mean it" she then sneezed. "it's fine, i was going to tell eventually" inko sneezed again. i then realised something 'ikagi is shedings right now she must be allergic to the fur on his wings, this is going to be fun' i thought as inko sneezed again. ikagi must have noticed too because a devilish smile grew on his face.

"i guess i'll tell you now" ikagi said gaining the attention of 1-A "my name is ikagi and that over there is ishiku" he said pointing and me. everyone looked at me. "and he still owes me 2000 yen" he said inko then sneezed 3 times. "mom are you ok, you keep sneezing" izuku asked. "why did you tell them who i am" i asked him.

ikagi flapped his wings a little bit stirring his fur a little bit as inko sneezed again. "well you were going to tell them eventually so why not right now" i sighed. inko sneezed again. "uuuuuh Chiyo is she ok" all might asked. "let me take a look" RG asked as the student started bombarding ikagi with questions.

"what's your last name" "why did brainstorm call you baby" "are you related to izuku and izumi" and many more like that. he sighed loudly "i don't like my last name, brainstorm is my mom even though i don't consider her one, and yes i am related to izuku and izumi but again i don't consider them relatives" he explained. "well it seems inko is allergic to something i just can't figure out what" RG explained. ikagi smirked but no one noticed.

"what *sneeze* could i *sneeze* be allergic to *sneeze*" inko asked. "i said i don't know" RG said. "i think i know" ikagi said, then everyone looked at him. "what do you think it could be" RG asked. 'i like where this is going' i thought. "everyone backup" everyone backed up, ikagi then preceded to flap his wings a bit making inko sneeze so much i lost count.

he then stopped and ikagi and i burst out laughing as everyone looked at us in confusion including RG. "you just stirred up some dust making mom sneeze" izumi said. we started to calm down and stopped laughing. "look what's in the dust" he said everyone looked down and saw weird black hairs on the ground. "what are these" izuku said picking one up.

"look familiar" ikagi said showing the back of his wing and shaking it making the same hairs fall to the ground. the yagis gasped. "i-i'm *sneeze* allergic to you *sneeze*" inko said as her eyes started to well up with tears, then she ran out of the room crying. "why did you make mom cry" izumi said threateningly. "well that's not my fault" ikagi said not caring at all as the yagis ran out after inko.

"chiyo i'll help clean up the floors later." ikagi said. "thank you dear" chiyo said. "now everyone out" she said as she as everyone left. "aaaaaaaaaannnnnd you still owe me 2000 yen" ikagi said. i sighed "here you go" i said giving him the money. "yessss" he said. i smirked i had actually given him two 100 yen  instead of 2000 yen because he can't read i started to walk away. "ishiku this is only 200 you owe me 2000" he said in a demonic voice. i froze, i turned around. he was in his chaotic state. "ugh your no fun" i said. i didn't look scared but on the inside i was terrified.

i took the 200 yen from him he handed him 2000 yen. he then checked the money and double checked. "thank you"  he said stuffing the money in his pocket. i sighed and left the room 'this is going to be a long day' i thought.



sorry for the short chapter i just needed something for filler

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