Chapter 2

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Jiang Cheng looked at him with a tender and loving gaze. His newlywed husband was so beautiful that morning, with rays of sunshine shining right at him, creating a halo around his silhouette. A truly divine sight.

He reached out to him and put some strands of hair, which apparently tickled his face, because he wrinkled his nose in that adorable way that A-Cheng just loved, behind his ear, and then he proceeded to caress his cheek with his thumb. Mornings like this, when he woke up next to his beloved, were the best.

Moving back in time, he would have never thought, even in wildest dreams, that his teenage crush would one day become reality, and that someone like the esteemed Zewu-Jun would reciprocate his feelings, and want to be with him. That he would kneel with him in the Yunmeng Jiang Ancestral Hall and vow to love him through this and many more lifetimes, to never be a reason for his sorrows, and to be with him in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty. However, some dreams do come true, and this was also the case for him.

Lan Xichen opened his eyes, and blinking off the sleep he smiled at A-Cheng.

"Good morning, dear husband," he said in a whisper, as if not to burst the bubble if it only turned out to be an illusion. "Tell me it's not a dream, please," he pleaded, moving closer to Jiang Cheng. So close, that there was barely any distance left between the two of them. If they focused carefully, they would be able to feel their steady heartbeats, beating at the same pace, finally rejoicing with their love.

If a person didn't believe in soulmates, their opinion would surely change after seeing those two. One is clearly the yin for the other's yang. The red string of fate that holds their fates together is so strong that it's basically unbreakable.

Jiang Cheng smiled widely, before pecking his husband's lips.

"I am and will be here as long as you are. My soul is yours forever, and will follow you even to the afterlife."


It's been barely two days since Lan Xichen left Hanshi, ending his seclusion, when he decided to have a meal with his family. He knew that everyone was happy with his decision, as even Lan Wangji had a small smile on his face. His brother must have been relieved with the fact that Zewu-Jun will pick up his duties again. Lan Zhan was never a fan of official posts. He felt apologetic towards him, for giving him such a burden, but there was no other option. He wasn't in the right state of mind to run a Sect, to be responsible for other people. And then he fell ill. They searched for a healer who would be able to help him, but they failed. He was paralyzed for a year, only able to move his head and talk. A magical curse, unknown to every healer they reached out to. There was no cure.


Grandmaster Lan, although it was against the Srct rules, basically ran into Hanshi with concern written all over his face, going straight to Lan Xichen's bedside. His nephew was conscious, but fatigue was clearly visible through his facial expression.

"What happened? Are you alright?" he crouched down.

Since Lan Xichen wasn't able to find the right words, the healer that tended to him cleared his throat and started to explain the situation to Lan Qiren.

"Our Sect Leader seems to have fallen victim to an unknown magical curse. It's my first time seeing something like this. He is completely paralyzed from shoulders down. His vocal abilities are remaining the same for the time being, and he is able to move his head, but for now that's it," Dong Xiaojian bit his bottom lip, before sighing. "I will be frank with you, as I have always been. I know no way to heal him from this mysterious illness, we will have to consult someone who specializes in curses."

Lan Qiren was clearly displeased with the news. He wasn't even able to think about his nephew's potential death. He already promised himself that he will do everything in his power for Lan Xichen and Lan wangji to outlive him, even if it was to be just by one day. He wouldn't be able to lose any of them, as both were like sons for him.

"Let's contact every healer that knows even a bit of the matter, we have to act quickly. Wangji," he looked at his nephew. "Go to Lotus Pier, and inform Sect Leader Jiang about the situation."

Lan Wangji nodded to his uncle, and was about to leave, with Wei Wuxian closely behind him, when Lan Xichen finally spoke.

"No, don't," he whispered. "Don't tell him for now," he said, closing his eyes, visibly tired.

"But why not, he has to know that you're sick. He will beat our asses off, if we keep quiet about such an important matter," Wei Wuxian stated, and everyone knew that was more than true.

"I know, but we can't. If I am about to die, I won't allow him to see it. He shouldn't have to witness his loved ones dying in front of him anymore. He already had enough of that for many lifetimes. I prefer for him to keep the happy memories. I am sure he will understand," he said weakly, tears threatened to flow from under his closed eyelids.

Though reluctant, they all swore secrecy. They understood him to an extent, but still hoped that he would not regret this decision in the future.


All he could do was to anxiously wait for what was to come, but nothing did. Death didn't take him, as they presumed it would when he started to lose the strength to even talk. Then a miracle happened. Three days ago he woke up like a newly born person. Nothing hurt him and he completely regained his mobility. He was totally healed. As if nothing ever happened.

Since he did nothing more than thinking for the last year, and came to peace with his heart, he was ready to leave seclusion right away. And so he did. He needed just a couple more days till he would announce to the whole cultivation world that he was back. Just a couple days till he will go to his husband, to his A-Cheng, and explain everything, begging for forgiveness.

It was a childish, but not an easy decision to just stop contacting his beloved. He forbade his family to inform Jiang Cheng of his condition, it was even kept a secret from most of the disciples. He couldn't bear the thought of Wanyin constantly worrying about him, even though he probably did so anyway. Still, Lan Xichen was sure that it was better than watching him being consumed by an unknown sickness, which could take his life at any moment. Although, it pained him to think about A-Cheng's suffering. Knowing him, he must be thinking he has done something wrong, that Lan Xichen didn't want him anymore. He wanted nothing more than to hug him, and confess his love for him over and over again.

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