Chapter 3

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In purple robes

like ghost you roam

the piers of the place

that you call home.

The sound of a bell

can be heard there,

luring your lover

into your hands.


"So tell me, brother-in-law. When are you going to see my Didi? This situation didn't allow me to make any progress with patching up our relationship, because I was too afraid to let myself speak. Everyone who ever met me, knows that I am unable to keep a secret for too long. I didn't even write to him, because he can somehow sense the author's mood even when the letter is freaking cheerful. That's why I didn't send him a birthday gift yesterday. Because I always give a letter with it, and he knows it very well. You better hurry up and mend his broken heart, because my patience is running thin." Wei Wuxian threatened, then reluctantly returned to eating. Despite the passage of years, he still can't stand Gusu Lan's tasteless diet.

Grandmaster Lan put down his chopsticks, ending his meal. He decided not to comment on the fact that Wei Wuxian once again broke the "no talking while eating" rule. At this point he is certain that he made breaking Gusu Lan rules a part of his daily routine, as if he hadn't done that enough as a student. "Master Wei is speaking with a sense for once," he stated, turning his head in Lan Xichen's direction. "Regulating all the important matters won't take any more than two days. After that I will personally drag you to Lotus Pier if needed."

Lan Xichen smiled sadly, "Don't worry uncle, I have no intention of delaying my trip to see Jiang Cheng. If I could, I would do it right now, but first I must fulfill my duty and remove the burden I placed on Lan Zhan's shoulders."

"What about your duty as a husband," Wei Wuxian thought to himself. "But then.. I am not the best of brothers either.."

"I still cannot believe that I broke the rules, that I pester everyone to follow, and lied to Jiang Wanyin. I never would have thought that I would have to transcribe these rules so many times in my old age. That I would have to do it at all. Good thing that none of the disciples have seen it. I would have died of embarrassment."

"I am sorry, Shufu. I do-," he was stopped mid sentence by a gentle knocking on the door.

"Come in," Lan Qiren responded, furrowing his eyebrows. He wasn't expecting any visitors, and he also asked disciples not to interrupt their family time.

The door slid open and Lan Jingyi came inside, respectfully bowing to his elders.

"Grandmaster Lan, the Head Disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Ren Tian, is asking for an audience," he stated, looking at Lan Qiren.

Lan Qiren looked at Lan Xichen out of the corner of his eye. No one outside the Gusu Lan Sect knew that he had ended his seclusion, and he wasn't sure if someone from his husband's sect should be the first one to know. However, Jiang Wanyin usually sent messages through a regular messenger, so since he sent his own it must be something very important.

"Let him in."

Lan Jingyi went back to the door and looked outside, nodding to the young man, and gesturing with his hand for him to come in.

He did so, but as soon as he crossed the threshold and saw Lan Xichen a grimace appeared on his face and his teeth clenched. If they looked closely enough at him, they would also be able to notice how his hand tightened on the scroll in it. After a short moment he regained his composure and bowed to Lan Qiren, evidently ignoring everyone else in the room.

"Grandmaster Lan, on behalf of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect Leader, Jiang Wanyin, and its Elders, I am here to deliver a message," he said, handing the scroll over to Lan Qiren, who took it hesitantly. "And since Sect Leader Lan is also here, you should read it aloud."

Lan Qiren nooded, unrolling the scroll. Because of the seriousness in Ren Tiana's voice everyone in the room started to feel anxious

I, the Sect Leader of Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Jiang Cheng, courtesy name Jiang Wanyin, after a long and difficult discussion with the Yunmeng Jiang Sect Elders, announce the end of my marital union with the Gusu Lan Sect Leader, Lan Huan, courtesy name Lan Xichen. The reason for the above decision won't be revealed to the public opinion.

Jiang Wanyin

Lan Qiren was so shocked that the scroll fell off his hands. Through all this time he thought of ways that Jiang Cheng could punish his nephew for his stupidity, but this wasn't one of them.

Ren Tian cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention once again. "Grandmaster Lan, If I may, I would like to do something."

Lan Qiren looked at him reluctantly, his hands still slightly trembling because of the news. "Of course. What is it?"

Ren Tian bowed to him, and then proceeded to take off his Clarity Bell. "I am doing this on my own account, since I have the occasion, not as the Head Disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect," he stated, laying his bell carefully on the table in front of Lan Qiren. He turned around sharply, stepping closer to Lan Xichen's table, who was still in daze after hearing the content of the letter, and took a cup of water from it. In one swift move, he poured it all on Zewu-Jun's face, and then he did the same with the food in his bowl.

He stared at Lan Xichen with disgust written all over his face, before taking a deep breath, picking up his bell, and attaching it back to his belt. "Ahh, I feel slightly better now," he bowed to Lan Qiren. "Forgive me, Grandmaster Lan, if I caused you any discomfort. I will now take my leave," he said, and indeed left without saying much more.

Everyone was left speechless for a long moment, before Lan Wangji decided to break the silence.

"We warned you, brother. I don't know how you will fix this disaster, but I would advise you to start right away." Lan Wangji said in a cold tone of voice, standing up and grabbing his husband's hand. "Wei Ying and I are flying to Lotus Pier right now. I advise you to do the same."

They left, and without thinking much more La Xichen also ran out and got on his sword. Immediately going into the direction of his second home. The direction of the place where his heart belongs.

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