Chapter 14

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Some might say that the last three weeks at Lotus Pier have gone by incredibly quickly, while for others they have dragged on indefinitely.

During that time, Jiang Cheng regained his physical health just enough to start taking care of some less important Sect business. No one was particularly happy about that, since they wanted to give him as much time as he needed. Sect Leader Jiang is not, however, and everyone knows this, docile and fond of sitting idly by. He is a stubborn man and even Ren Tian's pleas made no difference.

Hanguang-Jun went back to Cloud Recesses to lend a helping hand to Lan Qiren, who was flooded with Sect matters. Wei Wuxian wasn't too happy at the thought of being far from his husband, but there was no way in the world that he would leave his brother's side until they repaired their relationship, at least to a degree that went beyond common courtesy.

Nie Huaisang and Jin Rulan also left two weeks prior, due to their responsibilities, but they kept a flow of correspondence.

Lan Xichen, however, was adamant about staying at Lotus Pier. His official coming out of seclusion has been postponed. He did take a bit of work off of his uncle's shoulders, being aware that he and Wangji had done more than enough for him during those years, and that he needed to stop burdening them at least a bit.

But then, just like Wei Wuxian, he wasn't thinking of leaving without mending what had been broken because of him. He was hopeful, but he didn't even dare to think that things could be the way they were before. That was impossible to achieve.

Their marriage has never been perfect. They had some minor and major fights over the years, but somehow, they always managed to overcome them. Love. That was the reason.

But the rule of "Love'' doesn't always work. There were instances when they spent weeks apart, longing for each other but not knowing how to make things right.

The first one happened when Lan Xichen started to spend way too much time at Koi Tower, helping Jin Guangyao in whatever he needed his help with. He never hesitated to go there when A-Yao asked. During one of such situations, he was so busy that he had little time to eat or read his personal correspondence.

He was certain that the Jiang disciple brought just an everyday letter from Jiang Cheng so he decided to check it when he's free, but he was so tired that when he finally had time, he fell asleep. It was an outraged Lan Wangji who woke him up in the middle of the night by storming into his guest room in the Koi Tower.

"What are you doing here? Why haven't you come back to Lotus Pier yet? A-Tian is dying, Xichen."

Those words hit him like lightning and he remembered the unread letter, quickly pulling it out of his robes. It was more like a short message than a letter actually.

"Come home, Xichen. A-Tian is very sick. Come quickly."

For two days, Jiang Cheng held his son's hand, giving him his spiritual energy, afraid that if he lets go or so much as blinks, Ren Tian won't be there anymore. The healers did everything that was in their power in order to ease the teenager's suffering, but it was fruitless. He has been struck with a curse by one of the demonic cultivators during the night hunt two days prior. It took some time for it to start working, so that's why it hasn't taken an immediate toll on him.

However, the day before, Ren Tian had not come out of his room in the morning. He was as hot as fire, having been shrouded in high fever. He was groaning in pain, barely able to stay afloat of consciousness. Jiang Cheng was starting to lose his mind and Lan Xichen was still not coming back or replying to his message. Lan Wangji was angry at his brother for his irrational behavior.

At that point in time, he had also developed a slight aversion towards Jin Guangyao, as he saw how Jiang Cheng's brow flicked and his lips became a thin line at the mention of the man, especially when it came out of Lan Xichen's own mouth.The problem was that his brother didn't seem to have noticed it at all.

Lan Wangji was never the one to use violence as his first means of taking action, but at times like this, he really wanted to punch Jin Guangyao for keeping Xichen away from his family, and Xichen himself for being so blind to it. Even Lan Qiren came to Lotus Pier before Lan Xichen.

At first Jiang Cheng was just glad that A-Huan was finally there, but after the worst was over his feelings changed. Saying that he was angry would be an understatement. He was fuming with rage that made Zidian spark. For the first time, it was directed at Lan Xichen. Well, at the painting behind his head, but he clearly got the message.

Even after that, when Ren Tian had been nursed back to health, Jiang Cheng barely spoke to his husband. It took some time before he forgave him for not being here when they needed him the most, when A-Cheng almost lost another person precious to him.

Lan Xichen limited his visits to Koi Tower to a bare minimum, only going there when Jin Guangyao truly needed his help. All the minor things were resolved via correspondence, something that they could have done before, everyone thought.

That was their biggest fight. Nothing of this magnitude happened again, only some small arguments that were quickly solved by talking things out.

For everyone, they were kind of an example of a good marriage. They weren't perfect, because no one is, but they were good enough to complement each other, to endure the hardships, and roam rocky paths hand in hand. Together.

The message about the fallout of their marriage came as a surprise to everyone. No one, especially not those who at least got a glimpse of their love, would have suspected something like that to happen.

But it was worse for those who were witnessing it from a close distance. They thought only one thing.

The higher you fly, the harder you fall.

The more you love, the more the heartbreak makes you want to die.

AN:  The more I write, the more Lan Xichen starts to look like a shitty husband lol What do you think?

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