Chapter 13

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Ren Tian wasn't sure why he told him. It shouldn't slip out just like that. Like if he simply said some trivial gossip. So why did he do it? And why was it so freeing? Why did it lift some invisible weight from his shoulders?

"If you don't stop, there will be nothing left of the poor training mannequin." A familiar voice came to his ears and he turned around startled.

Nie Huaisang was standing just a few meters from him, with his signature fan in his hand. Ren Tian smiled widely and ran to him, wrapping his arms around the shorter man. He was so glad to see his uncle here.

"You came," he mumbled in a low voice. He felt relief washing all over him.

Nie Huaisang snorted, and gently pushed him away, so he could look him in the eyes, while cupping his cheek in his hand.

"Of course I did. How could I not when you have sent me such a letter."

Next to Lan Wangji, Nie Huaisang is his favorite uncle. Not that he has plenty of them, but still. While Lan Wangji is rather serious, and can give you a lot of knowledge, Nie Huaisang is the best to talk to about anything. There is no taboo topic with him, the man has no filter whatsoever. And there is also something about him that makes him unafraid of disappointing the man.

"Who do you want me to beat up, hmm? Those nasty parents of yours, or maybe Wei Wuxian? He can be pretty annoying sometimes."

"None of them. I am just happy to have you here."

Nie Huaisang hummed unconvinced, "I am still going to poison their tea. How dare they make my son-in-law cry."

Ren Tian blushed at the name.

The man giggled, "You and A-Shan have been betrothed for a couple of years now, but you still turn red at the mention of your relationship. You two remind me of Hanguang-Jun and Wei Wuxian. You are poised, when my son is one crazy soul. Ehh, talking about him makes me miss that brat."

The same goes for Ren Tian. His heart starts to beat incredibly fast, and there are butterflies in his stomach when he thinks about Nie Shoushan, his future husband.

"Uncle" Ren Tian groaned.

"Alright, alright I will stop. Back to the main point. I will unalive those assholes for making you cry."

"You won't unalive anyone, Uncle. I have had enough of that lately. Just talk to Baba, console him, or whatever best friends do for each other."

Nie Huaisang hugged him and they stood there in total silence for a moment. A-Tian melted in his arms, feeling safe and somehow at ease.

"Everything is going to be fine. Maybe not right away, but in the future it will." He assured him. "Just give it some time. They have to figure it out by themselves, no one can make decisions for them."

Ren Tian pulled away from him, and they started walking inside, leaving the poor massacred training mannequin behind.

"I know, but it's hard when their actions affect me directly."

"I would say 'It's just how adult's are', but you are already one yourself. Sometimes I tend to forget that you guys are no longer kids that need constant guidance and protection."

"You're not the only one." He chuckled, leading Nie Huaisang to his room, but the man stopped and shook his head.

"I will go to put some sense into A-Cheng's head first." He said, lightly squeezing his fan

"You said we cannot make decisions for others." Ren Tian pointed out his uncle's words

"Yes, but we can give them a push in the right direction."


Nie Huaisang entered Jiang Cheng's quarters without announcing himself. He simply went into the room, not minding his friend's surprised expression, and sat next to him on the bed.

"When the hell did you arrive? Why didn't you send any notice? I would have welcomed you."

"You or your casket?" He asked angrily. "Seriously, A-Cheng? I am going to castrate that motherfucker. The birthday present that I've sent you is going to be great for that." He says, mentioning the kitchen blade set that he has gifted to Jiang Cheng.

He laughed humorlessly. "No need to waste completely good blades for that. I will let you use the blunt ones, it's going to be more painful that way."

Nie Huaisang looked at him with a scandalized expression. "How can you make jokes in this situation? It's not at all amusing." He rubbed his temple, feeling the incoming headache. "How are you feeling? Are you in any sort of pain? Is there something that I can do to help?" He asked, grabbing Jiang Cheng's hand in a comforting manner.

His friend smiled at him. Maybe it wasn't a happy smile, but it's a start

Jiang Cheng was glad to have Nie Huaisang unconditional friendship. No matter what he did to obtain his revenge, he never broke Jiang Cheng's trust. It's not like he lied to him, he just didn't share all his life with him. There were moments when A-Cheng felt like he's the only one who benefits from this friendship, because he can't imagine what he could possibly give to Nie Huaisang in order to repay him for everything he did for him and his family over the years.

"Don't worry, I am as fine as I can be at the moment. I am slowly figuring out my feelings."

"That's not very convincing, but I will take your word for it."


"A-Sang," Lan Xichen smiled at the sight of the man.

"Shut your freaking mouth!" Nie Huaisang yelled at him, losing all respect for Lan Xichen's seniority. "Have you completely lost your marbles? I knew there was something shady about your behavior, but I never would have thought that it was just your plain stupidity."

"It's nice to see you too."

"Yhmm," he muttered, eyeing Lan Xichen coldly. "You wouldn't be as happy to see me as you are if you knew what tortures I subjected you to in my head. Anyway, let's have a chat, shall we?"


Dear Uncle,

I feel like I am drowning. Everything suffocates me, and I have an impression that walls will crush me between themselves any minute. It is not a way that one should feel in their home, right?

Ren Tian proceeded to explain everything to Nie Huaisang in the letter, without leaving any details.

Could you please come to Lotus Pier? Not only for me, but also for Baba. Not knowing how to help him is slowly killing me from the inside. Please, Uncle... I need you by my side.


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