Chapter 8

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Tbh, I am not completely satisfied with this chapter, but it will have to do.. Have a nice read :)


Don't break a bird's wings and then tell it to fly. Don't break a heart and tell it to love. Don't break a soul and then tell it to be happy. Don't see the worst in a person and expect them to see the best in you. Don't judge people and expect them to stand by your side. Don't play with fire and expect to stay perfectly safe. Life is about giving and taking. You cannot expect to give bad and receive good. You cannot expect to give good and receive bad. ― Najwa Zebian


"You can't just leave like that," he said, catching Jiang Cheng by his sleeve and turning him around.

Jiang Wanyin snorted, pulling his sleeve from his grasp. "And why not?" He asked, raising his eyebrows angrily. "I think you're allowing yourself too much, Zewu-jun."

Lan Xichen sighed. "Please, let's talk. Tell me, if I did something wrong. I won't be able to fix it otherwise."

"The fact that you are not aware of your mistake is your biggest flaw." He turned and started walking away.

"Please, A-Cheng. We can't go on like this, we are getting married soon!" He yelled, going after him. Sect rules be damned.

"I'd rather marry Nie Huaisang than you!" He yelled back, and before Lan Xichen could react he already unsheathed Sandu and flew off.

'Go and marry your dear A-Yao,' he thought to himself.


"You stink," was the first thing that Jin Ling said to Lan Xichen after coming to fetch him. "But we don't have time to let you wash and doll up. I hope you still have some strength left in that body of your's, Zewu-jun, because I won't carry you in," he stated mercilessly. "Come to the Conference Hall after you gather yourself, Jiujiu agreed to meet you. But be warned. One wrong word and I am going to break your every freaking limb."

Although Jin Ling mediated in his favor, he wasn't going to go easy on him. The man deserved to suffer the consequences of his actions.

A wave of slight relief washed over Lan Xichen, and although he was barely conscious he quickly stood up, which resulted to be a big mistake as his legs had gone numb from all the kneeling. He almost greeted the ground with his face but someone catched him just on time. Looking over his shoulder he spotted Lan Wangji, who bared a worried expression on his face. Of course Wei Wuxian was right next to him. His brother helped him to stand up, and without saying anything they stepped onto the premises of the Lotus Pier.

All the disciples that they passed looked at them with a scowl plastered all over their faces. Lan Xichen wasn't able to recall a single time that the atmosphere of Jiang Sect manor had been so gloomy. Everyone appeared almost as if they were mourning someone. The whole walk to the Conference Hall was like walking on eggshells

When they arrived at the place, the disciples opened the door for them, and a chill ran down Lan Xichen's back. The same one that appeared when he was about to enter an eerie and hostile place during a night hunt.


Jiang Cheng looked different. Something about him changed, but Lan Xichen wasn't sure what it was. His eyes looked deprived of emotions. He didn't express any rage towards him, like he suspected he might. He just looked ahead with an empty expression. Contrary to him, his dear son was visibly fuming.

"Speak at last. I want to be done with it as soon as possible," Jiang Cheng rushed him. He felt that if they dragged it for too long his facade might crumble, and he would break down.

Lan Xichen gulped, his knees killing him, but he had to kneel. What type of apology would it be if he didn't. "I am extremely sorry for causing you two pain. I know that saying it may seem stupid, but I never meant to hurt you. I.." and he proceeded to tell them everything.

He felt extremely pathetic, like the biggest scum of the earth.

Ren Tian wanted to throw a fit like a little kid or a teenager during a rebellious phase, he really did. However he decided not to. What good would it bring for them? The answer is nothing good, and it's quite obvious to him.

He was simply disappointed with the man in front of them. Even more so, that with each word that left his mouth his desire to punch him in the face grew stronger in him. He looked at his Baba with a pained expression, and saw how his fists clenched on his robes, Zidian sparkling lightly.

Jiang Cheng breathed heavily. "So you mean to tell me, that you avoided me, that you avoided our son, just because you are a fucking moron, who apparently doesn't poses a single braincell in that head of yours? And you two," he glared at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, who had apologetic expressions on their faces, "I expected better of you. You all, because I am sure that A-Yuan, Grandmaster Lan, and who else, also knew, and deceived me beyond my imagination."

"I-" Lan Xichen started, but Jiang Cheng didn't give him a chance to finish.

"Shut it!" He yelled, shooting up from his seat. "Just shut up!"

The sudden standing up apparently made him dizzy, because he wobbled and if Ren Tian hadn't caught him in time, he would most likely have fallen to the floor.

"I am fine," he reassured him, and went back to shooting daggers at Lan Xichen. "I cannot grasp your thought process. In what world would being by your side when you were at the verge of death hurt me more, than being completely ignored by you?" He asked with a raised voice.

"I didn't want to see you suffer, after I saw you mourning your loved ones for years," he confessed, not being able to raise his head and look him in the eyes. He was too ashamed to do that.

"Then you were deeply mistaken and very selfish, because that decision wasn't yours to make, but mine. Have you ever thought of how we would have felt if one day someone just came here with a notice of your death? Even if you would have written some sorry ass goodbye letter, I would've never been able to get any closure. You said you never wanted to worry us, but you did exactly that. We were worried sick. You made a mistake, a very grave one. I may be able to forgive you one day, but it will forever be in my heart. Now we are just in-laws, because A-Tian refuses to call you a father any longer," he said with a heavy heart. "You can stay here till you recover from those days outside, but after that I would like for you to leave Lotus Pier and don't come back," he stood up and proceeded to leave, but when he was passing Lan Xichen, the man finally got some courage, and with the little strength that he had left he grasped his hand.

"I won't give up on us. I will fight till you open up to me once again," he swore, looking him in the eyes this time.

Jiang Cheng snorted, "Good luck with that." He yanked his hand from his grasp and left the room.

Ren Tian went after him, but stopped next to Zewu-Jun. "I would advise you to wash your hair. You still have some rice in it" he smirked and left.

"I guess it's better than nothing," Wei Wuxian chuckled awkwardly.


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