Chapter 20

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Time flew by as if it were rushing somewhere with great impatience. It may seem bad, but the fact that it was getting them far away from those days of great sadness was good and filled their hearts with ease they didn't know they needed. That's why, when November came and a whole year was behind them, all those occurrences from that period seemed unbelievable, more so because their family dynamics went back to their original ways and were almost the same as they were before Lan Xichen entered seclusion. The therapy really worked wonders for the Jiang-Lan family.

Jiang Tian and Nie Shaoshan came back from their travels, the marital bliss still shining brightly in both of their eyes. They knew that there is still a lot for them to learn about each other, but those things will come along the way. As the core rule of their relationship, which shouldn't be broken by any means, they chose open communication. It was extremely important, especially for A-Tian, since its lack cost his family a lot of unnecessary pain.

Although A-Shan has always had a vagabond soul, he decided to cease his adventures and take care of his husband and Sect. When he was traveling with A-Tian he came to understand why he wanted to be constantly away from the Unclean Realm. He loved the Sect he came from, but that place has long ago stopped feeling like home to him. Since his brother died, there wasn't anyone special for him other than Nie Huaisang in Qinghe. Friends and distant relatives were important to him, of course, but he always felt like something in him was missing. This is why he chose to travel over learning the responsibilities of being an heir to the Sect. Now he knows that from all the paths he took in his life, the one that always gave him the most peace of heart and joy was the one that leads to Lotus Pier, to his A-Tian.


After years of leading the Jiang Sect, Jiang Wanyin has made the decision to retire as the Sect Leader. Despite his passion for the work and dedication to the Sect, he has come to the realization that it is time for him to step down and pass on the leadership mantle to A-Tian. This decision did not come easily to him, as the Sect has been a significant part of his life for many years, and he has worked tirelessly to ensure its success. However, he feels that he has accomplished much of what he set out to do and that it is now time for him to take a step back and allow the next generation to continue the work.

After the newlyweds came back from their travels Jiang Cheng began the process of delegating the work to his son. Understanding the importance of smooth transition, he wanted to make sure that A-Tian is well prepared for the responsibilities of leading the Sect. Jiang Wanyin is also aware that he must balance the need for his son to gain experience and take on more responsibilities with the need to ensure that the Sect continues to run smoothly.

To help facilitate this transition, he will be gradually stepping back from his leadership role, allowing his son to take on more responsibilities and gain valuable experience. He is there to offer guidance and support when needed, but he is also allowing his son to make his own decisions and learn from his mistakes. Jiang Cheng is confident in A-Tian's abilities and is excited to see the Sect continue to thrive under his leadership.

Although Jiang Wanyin is retiring from his role as Sect Leader, he will always remain an important member of the Sect. He plans to continue to offer his support and advice to his son and the rest of the Sect members, ensuring that the legacy of the Jiang Sect continues for many years to come. His decision to retire as Sect Leader is a testament to his commitment to the Sect and his desire to see it continue to succeed in the future.

As for his personal life, it's still a work in progress. He decided to give Lan Xichen a chance to, once again, gain the privilege of being loved by him. Broken trust is never easily repaired, because even though shattered pieces can be put back together, the cracks will remain visible, but sometimes it's worth to give it a try. 


Thank you for reading, and sticking with me despite such long breaks between the chapters.

For me, that's the end, but if there is an aspect of the story that you would like me to write more about then let me know in the comments :)

Hope to see you in the comment section of my future works :)

- Alicja

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