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flora I know I'm about four years late but I just watched Hacksaw Ridge for the first time and now I'm delayed at being pissed Andrew Garfield didn't win the Oscar! Cause God damn, that man can act!

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twitter1 Andrew deserved that Oscar! I'm still pissed C*sey A*leck won!

flora twitter1 Yeah I'm pissed about it too!

twitter2 He portrayed such a beautiful man's story so beautifully

harryholland99 When she says pissed... Flora is pissed! 👀

flora harryholland99 Because he DESERVED the Oscar!

twitter3 I mean... I get re-pissed every time I see/read something about the movie and remember he didn't win.

flora twitter3 I feel like this will just be my life now forever

tomholland1996 The movie finished well over a hour ago and she's still going on about it...

hazosterfield tomholland1996 "I just want to know the Academy's logistics on how they came to the conclusion Afleck should have won instead?"

flora hazosterfield tomholland1996 Excuse me. For have you know I'd just be as passionate about this if the shoe was on your foot!

hazosterfield flora But you know us! It's different!

tomholland1996 flora Thanks darling. I appreciate it x

flora hazostefield Exactly! I don't know Andrew and yet I'm still at a loss as to why his talent wasn't recognised and acknowledged !

twitter4 So you don't know Andrew?

flora twitter4 Nope! Never met him! Although I'm hoping Tom's spidey contacts can hook us up! So I can tell him  how talented I think he is in person!

zendaya He was exceptional in this movie!

flora zendaya A woman with taste everybody!

Louder Than Words // Andrew GarfieldWhere stories live. Discover now