Chapter 21

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I gape at him. Wtf?! " How do you expect me to talk to you if you keep threathening me like that?? Let alone open up to you?" This is getting absurd.

"Alexa,I.." Stephan says before I cut him off. "You know what? Just forget about it kay? I'll just shut up and finish my now cold dinner." I lash back. Stephan does not say anything further,but I didn't notice the clench of his jaws.

I turn away from him and finish my dinner. I eat it but I no longer taste it. I am just so tired of all this.

I noticed that the traffic is bad and it seems to me that we are driving through the night nonstop.

I look outside the window. The passing mountains and the cars and the darkness that surrounds us. He doesn't deserve you, lex. Keep your guards up. Its already painful.. but just.. hang on for a little while longer. My subconscious tells me.

Telling me to hold on is old advice. I feel so alone right now,all I want is Daniel's arms to comfort me. Unwarranted tears spring out of my eyes. I take a peek at Stephan. He doesn't notice. And I cry painful, silent tears that will never be heard.

After a while,I started drifting off to sleep, tho I am afraid I will jolt awake as usual. Crying yourself off to sleep? As usual. Eventually sleep takes over. The last thing I feel is arms around me. Daniel..


"Alexa, wake up,love" Stephan gently wakes me. I realize that I am curled up on his lap. Whaa..? How?

Wondering how the heck I ended up on the lap of my husband, I bolt awake, immediately asking,"Why am I on your lap?"

"What's wrong if you are on my lap? You are my wife." Stephan raises an eyebrow at me.

I roll my eyes at him," Well, the last time I was on your lap, it didn't end well. I wouldn't like to be in that position again. Threatened or not." I say coldly.

"Alexa,I.. I truly am sorry. I was a jerk then I was an asshole last night. Please forgive me? I held you in my lap because you started shaking and whimpering in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare again?" Stephan says gently while nuzzling into my neck. Did I dream anything last night?

I bite my lip, knowing full well why I did that in my sleep. Daniel and Leeya says that if I cry myself to sleep, I would whimper and shake in the middle of the night. He cannot know that you cried last night. My subconscious reminds me.

"I.. uh.. no, I did not dream anything last night." I tell Stephan. He seems unconvinced but didn't press the issue, thankfully. I continue,"Forget about last night. I'm tired."

I tried to get off his lap but Stephan's grip at my waist tightens, he says,"No, please, Alexa. Forgive me, please. I will make it up you. I promise." I simply nod at his words, not really wanting to believe all of those promises.

Stephan continues,"We are in Bandung already, by the way. Welcome to Bandung, Mrs Grant. " He smiles at me. I gave him a small smile and shift on his lap to look out the window, since he does not seem to be letting me sit on my own. I pretended not to hear the almost silent groan from Stephan when I shifted on his lap.

Bandung is a wonderful place, full of life and people bustling everywhere. The signature Indonesian trait, street vendors everywhere. Seeing all this food is making me hungry. Excitedly, I ask,"What are they selling?"

James answers,"Various foods, Mrs Grant. Seems to me that this area sells more fried streetfood. Sir, shall I buy some for breakfast?"

"Sure James. Get the 'Tahu Sumedang','Cireng' and 'Batagor'. Don't forget 'TehBotol'. "Stephan says to James.

Ruins of Our Love #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now