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Hyungsik never wanted to commit that sin, He never had any intention to curse the person, Moon Goddess ever chose for him to only cherish. But look now what he just did. There is no way out, of his misery now. All he can do is to just cry over his failure to protect the omega.

It's been three days, he made his V almost die inside of his human body. He made v powerless, Yet his inner pain is not fading. He is regretting his past decision a lot. Like a lot. Although he let The human to bring back his mate, still somewhere he can't being able to accept the reality that, in the end, he proved that, he is never been a better option for the Omega. And the omega chose the best.

"I am not like this mo-ther!!! I am not. I didn't inten-tionally cursed him. That moment I was out of my mind. I-i even told him to leave me. But he didn't listen." Hyungsik cried placing his head on his mother's lap. His mouth is wrapped up with a single piece of cloth, to not let out any saliva out of it.

Hyuna herself is lost these days. She can't belive how everything has splitted instantly inside the pack. People are cursing them even more, because Their Alpha's mate comes out as a betrayer. They are cursing the Alpha more as to why he let that Human to free, with his own mate!!! It was not a better choice for them.

"Shhh!. Don't cry. You are an Alpha!! And You are my strongest son. It's just that the situation is not in our luck okay?" Hyuna soothes.

"He- Ta-e... I made him gone through the sa-me pain, I was in Mo-ther.. I never did it inten-tionally... Please trust me .."

"We will think about this okay? Please eat something-

"Mother, I- I- They are right, I am- I am indeed a disgrace to this position. I definitely am a bad luck to this pack mot-her. I should die-

"NO!!! Don't, Don't dare to complete the sentence. Hyun I told you already!! You did out of Anger. We each pack members know how much of your Roger is fierce. I promise we will think a way out, please don't say like that. He betrayed you first Hyun."


"I have no one but you beside me. Am I not enough to make you live a bit longer? Hmm? Just look at my eyes. Doesn't my tear give you enough strength to fight more?
We will first think of your curse. Let's not feel guilty more son. And be practical. I need to inform it to a witch. I don't see your sufferings anymore. Enough is enough."


In Jeongguk's Apartment

"I Dare you to touch him Hyung!!! HE IS MINE. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!!!" Jeongguk snaps at Seokjin immediately making the elder flinch.

It's been three days, Jeon's has successfully brought the duo to their City house, after biding their goodbyes to the villagers. They have gathered every information, about what happened there. And each of them can't be more sad by knowing, their little baby Jeongguk's sufferings behind their backs. He is indeed a brave Bunny.

But, Yet another tension has eating all up now. Which is Jeongguk's unfamiliar behaviour. He would NOT let anyone to even touch his lover's shadow, let's not even talk about his body. Jeongguk had already shifted to his own apartment instantly after reaching the town. He just don't want to stay with the Kim couple anymore. Reason is, He wants privacy as his Lover is pregnant. No more, no less.

All Seokjin is want to, check on the newly pregnant Omega's body. But yet getting hold back by his brother. Which is making him more Frustrated.

"Jeon Jeongguk don't be a stubborn. LET ME CHECK ON HIM RIGHT NOW BEFORE I CALL THE COPS. AND I AM SERIOUS." Seokjin shouted at his brother while, standing at the doorstep of Jeongguk's apartment. Oh Yes! He is not even allowed to come inside. Reason is, Taehyung is sleeping.

"Hyung, Tell me what you do on check ups, I will do it myself." Jeongguk said in a serious manner.

"Guk, Do you think I've that much of time to give you a laboratory degree? Fuck off, And let me in." Seokjin demands.


"Kuku." Both of their conversation interrupted by Taehyung who is standing behind Jeongguk sobbing. He is rubbing his eyes, with his sweater paws.

And it was enough for Jeongguk to runs back to the boy immediately as if his life depends on it. Followed by a concerned Seokjin. Jeongguk took the boy into his arm, rubbing his back reassuringly.

"My baby. My bear, my papaya. My strawberry, my cucumber. What happened baby? Are you hurt somewhere? Did someone touch you? FUCk..."

Seokjin just rolled his eyes, not being able to believe his brother's words.

"Kuku, I saw bed dream. A black wolf come, and say sorry!! K-uku .. sniff* He scary. I- I scar-ed." Taehyung sobs in his lover's neck.

It was not that much of a painful moment for Taehyung, to feel off his wolf. As he was never been in a stable relationship with his wolf, moreover he is still learning things, slowly, slowly. Just like a normal human.

But for V? The pain is just unbearable. In a snap of moment he lost himself, within himself.

Whatever is happening beside him, he can do nothing but to be a silent viewer. All he just wanted a simple life, which he lost very soon. A simple conversation, a relationship yet he wants to have with his own human. Atleast it would give him a live within his deadshell. God knows! When he will be able to do so. When he will be able to feel the touches of His lover, His Jeongguk. He is just praying for that moment, he will be able to live his life, yet again.

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