CH:22- Whispers of the Heart

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Haseena opened her eyes as she felt the pangs of hunger going through her body. She made an effort to get up but was unable to do so. Karishma had encased in her a way that she couldn't even move.

"Why are you moving so much?" Karishma mumbled, still her eyes closed.

"I'm hungry," Haseena replied as she lay back down.

"For what?" Karishma's eyes were wide open as she looked at Haseena.

"For Food." She replied, "Now please move, you have been lying down over me like that the whole night," She moved Karishma away as she got up from the couch.

"Didn't you have food last night?" Karishma asked as she rubbed her eyes and looked at Haseena.

"No," Haseena replied while fixing her sweater as she looked around the room to find the pencil and after finding one, she tied her hair in a bun and started moving towards the kitchen.

Karishma followed her. "Why?" She asked.

"Because of You," Haseena said as she looked around to find something to eat.

"You sit here," Karishma said while pointing towards the chair, "I'll make something for you," She said as she moved towards the fridge to take out bread and eggs.

"From when did you start cooking," Haseena asked as she pulled herself up and sat on the countertop opposite Karishma.

"From the night I confessed my feelings towards you," She paused, "Do you remember, I came upstairs later," She looked at Haseena, "I saw you making tea despite being sick. I wanted to offer my help but I didn't know how to make tea or anything else. So, since then, I started learning everything little by little with the help of Maa and youtube. Now, I can make a few things at least," She said as she flipped the egg in the pan.

Haseena didn't say anything to her but she continued to stare at her.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Karishma asked as she took out the egg and put it on the plate.

"Why do you do things like that?" Haseena asked as she made Karishma stand in front of her.

"Because it gives me pleasure," She looked at Haseena, "I like doing things for you and I want to continue doing things for you," Karishma said as she rubbed Hassena's cheek gently with the back of her hand.

Instead of saying anything, Haseena pulled her closer and made Karishma stand in between her legs, and while locking her legs on Karishma's back, she kissed her. Karishma's eyes were widened at her this action, she cupped Haseena's face and started kissing her back with more vigor. They continued to kiss each other until the smell of burnt toast reached their nostrils.

Karishma pulled away as she looked in the direction of the toaster. "You are such a distraction, Haseena!" She said while pulling out the burnt slices and replacing them with new ones. "And, by the way, you were hungry for food and not for this," She raised her eyebrows playfully at Haseena.

"If you continue to do things like that for me, I won't be able to resist you," Haseena said as a slight blush started to appear on her cheeks, "You are spoiling me, Miss Singh!"

"I would love to spoil you, Miss Mallik," Karishma said as she pecked Haseena's lips and handed over the plate to her.

"You are not having anything," Haseena asked as she took the bite from her plate.

"No, I don't like having food this early morning. It makes me uneasy but if you share a bite from your plate, I don't mind," Karishma said as she looked at Haseena endearingly.

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